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Obituary for ~

Roland Cook

Red Divider

Unnamed newspaper
H. Roland Cook (ca 1936)

The passing of H. Roland Cook is recorded on Wednesday evening,
May 6th, in his 59th year.
He had been in an indifferent state of health for some months past.
He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Emily.
Born in Lockeport the son of Gideon and Margaret Holly Cook,
the deceased has been a resident of Yarmouth for many years.
He was employed at the C. N. R. offices at their local station
for some years and always proved an efficient and very obliging official.
He was greatly interested in sport and was prominently identified
with the activities of the local Ball Club until ill health
necessitated his retirement. Intensely interested in the fortunes
of the team he was invariably found in the vanguard of supporters
at outside and local games. He gave much in the way of valuable
and active support to the Y. A. A. A. and those friends amongst that fraternity,
and they are many, have always appreciated him for his worth
as well as others in all walks of life. We know the sincere sympathy
of this community will be forthcoming for his wife and daughter.
Funeral services will be from Sweeney's Undertaking Parlors, Friday afternoon at 2:30.

Red Divider

Thanks to Shirley Belliveau for this obituary.

Red Divider

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