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Obituary for ~

William H. McINTOSH



William H. McIntosh
April 26, 1896 – September 10, 1915

The sudden death on Friday, September tenth,
of Willie H. McIntosh, of Smithfield, Guysboro Co.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. McIntosh, cast a deep gloom
over the entire community.

He attended his usual duties on Monday
apparently in good health, but the hand of sickness
was laid upon him and on the following Sunday
he was laid to rest, -appendicitis was the cause of his death.

He was a young man only nineteen years of age,
possessed of sterling qualities,
a loving Christian disposition which won for him
not only the love and trust of his bereaved parents,
brother, sister and aged grandparents
but also a host of friends for it might truly be said
of him “To know Willie was to love him.”
An uncle from Boston and two cousins from Virginia
were on their way home to visit the family when they heard
the sad news of his death, who also have the sympathy
of the people in their sad home coming.

His funeral was attended by a large concourse of people
who gathered from far and near to show their sympathy
with the grief stricken family in their hour of sorrow,
but who in their grief can say in faith,
“It is Willie’s gain, but our loss”
for they have the blessed assurance from himself in his dying hour
that he fully trusted in his blessed Lord and Saviour
and that he would be there to welcome them
when they reached the other shore.

East River St. Mary’s

On the 10th of Sept. there passed to his Eternal Rest
Mr. William McIntosh, a young man of promise,
son of Mr. G. Brown McIntosh, of Smithfield,
and on the 12th inst.
His remains were laid to rest amidst a large number of friends
attesting to the high esteem of the deceased.


Thanks to Judy (MacIntosh) Silver for this obituary.


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