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Obituary for ~

Alexander Dawson and Joseph Conroy

Red Divider

The Eastern Chronicle, New Glasgow, N.S.,
Tuesday, Jan.8, 1924:

The village of Sherbrooke was shocked om Saturday evening
over the tragic drowning of two young lads
who had been out skating on the Lake
that lies just behind the village.
The boys were Alexander Dawson, aged 15,
and Joseph Conroy, aged 16.
They had been skating on the lake
and not returning home,
a search party was sent to the lakes
where it was found their skate marks
led to an open hole at Spruce Point.
Grappling irons were secured and in a few minutes
the body of Conroy was drawn from the water.
Efforts to locate the body of Lawson were not successful until the following day,
it having drifted a considerable distance
from the hole under the ice.

A coroner's jury was empanelled by Magistrate George Ross
and after enquiry into all the circumstances surrounding the tragedy
a verdict was returned of accidental drowning.

Both boys were well known in Sherbrooke.
Alexander Dawson, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson
and Joseph Conroy is a son of Mrs. Kate McIntosh.

The double tragedy has cast a gloom over the village,
a deep sympathy being felt for the saddened homes
from which the young lads have gone.

Red Divider

Thanks to Carolyn Wallace for this obituary.

Red Divider

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