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Obituary for ~

Wallace Sangster

Red Divider

The Eastern Chronicle, New Glasgow, N.S.
Tuesday, 29 July 1924:

Wallace Sangster

Mr. Albert Sangster of Mitchell Street, New Glasgow,
left on Saturday for New Harbour.
His brother, Councillor Wallace Sangster,
of New Harbour, died on Friday.
The late Mr. Sangster was one of the best known
and leading men of that important section in Guysboro County,
and held the confidence in public and private affairs
of many people there.
His death is a great loss to that section of the province.

He leaves a widow, three sons and a daughter,
one of his sons being William Sangster,
locomotive engineer, CNR Stellarton.
The other two sons and the daughter, are at home.
Councillor Sangster was 69 years of age and for seventeen years
represented New Harbour in the Guysboro Council.

(*His wife was (nee Elizabeth Hooper Sangster)
and Wallace was s/o John Patterson Sangster/Elizabeth Ann Nickerson)

Red Divider

Thanks to Carolyn Wallace for this obituary.

Red Divider

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