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Obituary for ~

Rachel (Polson Fisher) Stewart

Red Divider

Monday, June 5, 1939
The Halifax, Chronicle, Halifax, N.S.


GOSHEN, June 2 - Word has been received here today
of the sudden death on Thursday of Mrs. Rachel Stewart,
at the home of her son, Alexander Polson at McWatters, Quebec.

Deceased who was 86 years of age,
was a daughter of the late, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher of Fisher's Mills.
For many years she was a highly esteemed resident of Goshen.

Her first husband, John Polson died forty-three years ago.

In 1913 she married Thomas Stewart
of Westville and resided in that town
until her husband's death six years ago.
Since that time she has spent most of her time
with her daughter in Massachusetts, and her son in Quebec.

Surviving are one daughter, Margaret, of Boston;
three sons, Alfred, of Los Angeles;
John F., of Goshen, and Alexander, of McWatters;
also eight grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements will not be completed
until the arrival of the remains from Quebec.

Red Divider

Thanks to George Newbury for this obituary.

Red Divider

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