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Obituary for ~

Alex 'Sandy' Cameron

Red Divider

The People of Fraser's Brook, Newton and surrounding country
are deeply pained to learn of the sudden death of
Alex. Cameron which took place early Thursday morning, Oct. 20th, at his home.
Mr. Cameron had not been enjoying good health for some time,
but was about, and on Wednesday morning had visited a neighbor.
Sandy Cameron as he was called and familiarly known was born 65 years ago,
at the homestead, where he spent his life.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cameron,
his mother's name before marriage being Miss Janet Fraser.BR> Mr. Cameron was well and favourably known in the surrounding community.
His strong character and friendly personality endeared him to all who knew him
and his passing will be deeply regretted by his many friends.
Mr. Cameron was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
The funeral which was held on Friday afternoon was largely attended,
a tribute to the esteem in which he was held in the community.
The service was conducted by his Pastor, Rev. F.G. MacDonald,
assisted by Rev. J.H. Kirk.
The singing was by combined choirs, favorite selections of the departed were rendered - Psalm 23 - Safe in the Arms of Jesus.
By Cool Siloam, and, There is No Night in Heaven.
Mr. Cameron leaves to mourn a sister, Mrs. Janie Stewart, who husband, the late Adam Stewart, passed away 23 years ago, at Trenton,
also a brother, James, both now living on the old homestead
--two brothers and a sister died when they were quite young.
Interment was at the Newtown cemetery.

Red Divider

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