Mrs. M. Rhude Dies After Long Illness
New Glasgow - Helen Giffin Rhude, 131 Temperance St.,
widow of M.M. Rhude
for many years a merchant on Archimedes St.,
died in the Aberdeen Hoapital
early this morning
after a long illness.
Born in Goldboro 78 years ago,
she was a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Simon M. Giffin.
She had lived in New Glasgow since 1910.
She was a
member of First United Baptist Church in Goldboro.
Mrs. Rhude is survived by one daughter
Margaret (Mrs. Walter De Gario),
Brooklyn, N.Y.;
three sons, William and Simon in New Glasgow and Squadron
Leader Cecil,
stationed with the RCAF in Ottawa; six grandchildren;
great grandchildren; three sisters,
Miss Josephine and Miss Muriel Giffin in
New Glasgow,
and Blanche (Mrs. MacDonald) in Ontario; and two brothers,
Graham Giffin in Pictou and Cecil Giffin in Vancouver, B.C.
A brother Oscar predeceased her in Goldboro a few years ago.
The remains will rest at the H.W. Angus Funeral Home, King St.,
after 7
o'clock this evening. The funeral will be held
from the First United Baptist
Church, New Glasgow,
and burial will be in Lorne St. cemetery.
Thanks to Carolyn Wallace for this obituary.