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Obituary for ~

Jessie Matilda Pryde

Red Divider

Mrs. A. E. Pryde

Sherbrooke: This community was shocked and saddened by the sudden death
on Wednesday, Dec. 16 1937 of Mrs. S. E. Pryde.
The deceased, who was in her sixty-fourth year,
was formerly Jessie Matilda Grant of Melrose,
and has lived here all her married life.
A woman of lovely character and marked ability,
her removal will be deeply felt in community and church life
as well as in the home. A devoted member of St. James Presbyterian Church,
she has acted in the capacity of secretary to the Ladies Aid
and also President of the Women's Missionary Society
for the past twelve years. She is survived
by her husband Capt. S. E. Pryde, one daughter, Mabel
of the staff of the M.T.and T. Co., and two sons,
Burton, manager of Dunn and Bradstreets in Regina, Sask.;
and James, residing in Collingwood, Ontario,
also two brothers, Charles W. Grant And Richard D. Grant
of Melrose, two sisters, Grace, Mrs. John MacInnes,
Melrose, and Alice, Mrs. Henry MacInnes, Denver.
James Greene of East River St. Mary's and William H. Greene
of New Glasgow are half brothers and there are two half sisters
residing in the United States. The funeral was held
from St. James Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. H. L. Jost, the choir singing
the favorite hymns of the deceased. Beautiful flowers
in profusion and the church filled with mourners, testified to the esteem
in which deceased was held. The pall bearers were
Charles Murdoch, D. J. Burns, H. R. Cameron, T. M. MacGrath,
J. H. MacMillan, William Fraser.

Red Divider

Obituary typed by Douglas Sinnis

Red Divider

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