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Obituary for ~

David Reid

Red Divider

(Hand dated 1947)


The death of David Reid occurred at his home
at Port Hillford, Guysboro Co., on Sunday, March 16.
Aged 72 years.
Although in failing health for over a year,
his death came suddenly, being confined to his bed
for only three days. He leaves to mourn their loss
of a loving husband and father, his wife,
two daughters (Eva) Mrs. Fred L. Hewitt;
(Annie) widow of the late E. Morse Hewitt, both of Port Hillford.
Three sons are Percy of Timmins, Ontario; Stanley at home,
and David of Halifax. Three sisters surviving are
Mrs. H.E. Tomlinson, Lynn., Mass.; Mrs. G.E. Solaris,
Bell, California; Mrs. J.H. MacMillan, Sherbrooke, N.S.;
also eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted
from his late residence by Rev. W.E. Carpenter, assisted by pastor G.H. MacGrath.
Interment was in Cherry Hill Cemetery, Port Hillford.

Red Divider

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