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Obituary for ~

Charles W. Peart

Red Bar

The Canso Breeze - Late October, 1922

Another very unexpected death was that of Charles W. Peart,
which took place Wednesday morning.
He was seventy nine years of age.
He had been as active as usual
up to within a week of his death but a severe cold resulted
in complications which proved fatal. The deceased
was a most industrious man and was comfortably off.
A few years ago he lost his wife,
after which he sold his beautiful place at Cook's Cove
and retired from active participation in business.
Since then he has mostly resided in town and made many friends
by his bright and cheerful manner. Funeral services were held
in the Methodist Church, Rev. Mr. Forbes officiating.
The sympathy of the community goes out to his aged sister
and brothers in the bereavement sustained.

Red Bar

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