The Traladaran of KarameikosThis describes the earliest known human inhabitents of Karameikos the Traladaran. -Joaquin Menchaca Traladaran Human Overview
Personality: Physical Description: Traldaran men average about 5'9" tall, while women are 5'3" tall. They tend to have pale complexions, brown eyes, and dark hair, rangin from deep brotn to black. [dress, close] [displays of wealth or not] Relations: Generally the Traladarans do not care much for Thyatians as they see the Thyatians as the latest wave of bad luck which keeps the Traldarans from re-achieving their Golden Age. Many Traladarans see all Thyatian as being greedy and deceitful as many of the original Thyatian arrivals were rotten land-grabbers. The Traldarans have always been on good terms with gnomes and dwarves of Highforge. They are neutral towards both Vyalia and Calarii, as most isolated communities seldom interact with one another. Alignment: The Traldaran vary in beliefs depending on role, family, location, and allegiances. Those in the city, land owners, or noble class tend to be more practical and cautious, while those in the smaller villages tend to be more free spirited. Generally most tend to look out for others, but there are some that harbor deep bitterness towards Thyatians or against those that have wronged them in some way. Traladaran Lands: The Traladaran people occupy the lands within the a land called the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. These lands were previously called Traladara, but was renamed to Karameikos after the Duke that has acquired these lands. Religion: The Traladaran follow the religion of the three saviors and heroes of their people: Halav, Petra, and Zirchev. Language: The Traladaran speak their own language that is simply called Traldaran. There wasn't any written form of the language until the Church of Karameikos utilized the Thyatian alphabet to write down some of the Traladaran folk stories. Most Traladarans are illiterate. Names:Traladran names have a strong Eastern and Central European falvor. Male Names: Boris, Dmitri, Fyodor, Grygory, Ilya, Ivan, Mikhail, Pyotr, Sergei, Stephan, Yakov, Yuri Female Names: Anya, Darya, Ecattrina, Illyana, Irena, Katrarina, Kuzma, Magda, Misha, Petra, Sula, Zandra Family Names: Family names can be created by adding one of a number of suffixes to given names: -os, -ov, -dv, -nov, -evich, -escu, etc. Adventurers: |