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Multiclass Rules!

These are slightly modified version of the multiclass rules presented in DMG70 (Dungeon Master's Guide page 70). The most notable difference is the inclusion of the pscion and psychic warrrior from the Pscionics Handbook.

- Joaquin Menhcaca
version alpha 1
updated on July 28, 2002


A character can multiclass at 1st level. Such a character can only have two classes, and one of them must be favored by his race or clan. As a character is the sum of all his class levels, a 1st-level multiclass character cannot yet achieved 1st level in ether of the classes, but rather the character is considered considered to be an apprentice in each class. An apprentice gets some but not all of the class benefits usually gained at 1st level. Once the character reaches wnd level, each class becomes 1st level, and all benefits denied at apprentice level are gained.

First Level Package (Apprenticeship)

At first level, the character finds the two classes listed in the table below. The character will get the bonuses from listed for the classes within the table. Afterwards, follow the steps below to create the first level character, i.e. apprentice level in each class.

Step 1: Determine Primary Class

The player first determines the two desired classes, where one is the primary class. One of the classes must be a favored class from the race or clan. Look at the table below and combine the abilities.

Apprentice Level Characters
Class BA FS RS WS Special Spells/Powers
0 1
Fighter +0 +1 +0 +0 One bonus feat - -
Barbarian +0 +1 +0 +0 Rage, fast movement - -
Paladin +0 +1 +0 +0 Detect evil, lay on hands - -
Psychic Warrior +0 +1 +0 +0 Bonus feat 1 -
Ranger +0 +1 +0 +0 One favored enemy, Track 1 -
Psion +0 +0 +0 +1 Psicrystal, 3 psionic
combat modes
1+d -
Wizard +0 +0 +0 +1 - 2 0**
Sorcerer +0 +0 +0 +1 - 4 2
Cleric +0 +1 +0 +1 Turn Undead 2 1††
Druid +0 +1 +0 +1 - 2 1
Rogue +0 +0 +1 +0 - - -
Bard +0 +0 +1 +1 - 1 -
Monk +0 +1 +1 +1 Unarmed combat,
Wis bonus with AC
- -

* Apprentice-level spellcasters know as many spells as their 1st-level conuterparts. They just can't cast as many per day. Appresntic-level spellcasters can cast more spells per day when they 1st level, but they do not gain knowledge of more spells. Bonus spells do apply at apprentice level.
** A specialist gains an additional spell from her specialty school, as normal.
† This ability is level-based. Treat the apprentice-level character as level zero
†† The only 1st-level spell an apprentice cleric gets is his domain spell, which he selects each day from one of his two domains.

Step 2: Allocate hitpoints

Use the primary class's hitpoints when determining hitpoints modified by constition bonus. Thus, if a character named Krash was an apprentice-level Barbarian/Druid, where the druid was the primary class and Krash has a 15 constitution (+2 hitpoints), then the character would have 10 hitpoints (d8 per level, max at first and con bonus).

Step 3: Determine Skill Points

The skills points used is as if he was a 1st-level member of his primary class. Skills purchased from the skill list are purchased as a member of the primary class. Maximum rank is calculated as if the character were 1st level: 4 for a class skill (for the primary class) and 2 for a cross-class skill (for the primary class).

As an example, using Krash the half-orc apprentice Barbarian/Druid, where Druid is the primary class, and Krash had an Intelligence of 15 (+2 bonus), Krash would have 24 skill points ([4+2]x4). The maximum rank is 4 for druidic class skills and 2 for cross-class skills (even if they were barbarian class skills).

Step 4: Starting Equipment

Utilize the starting equipment from the primary class.

Second Level Package (1st-Level)

At 1,000 XP, the character effectively has reached 2nd level or 2 character levels. This is first level in each class.

Step 1: Allocate hitpoints

The character allocates the remaining hitpoints, which is the hitpoints of the secondary class modified by the constition bonus. Thus using Krash as the example, the total hit points would be raised by 14 (12 for the barbarian, 2 for Constition of 15) to 24.

Step 2: Bonuses and Special Abilities

Increase base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, special abilities for each class so that they match 1st-level figures in each class. Add up these figures for the multiclass character's totals. Thus, for Krash, where before as an apprentice Barbarian/Druid had a Fortitude Save of +2 and a Will Save of +1, Krash will now have a combined Base Attak Bonus of +1, a Fortitude save of +4, and a Will save of +2.

Step 3: Determine Skill Points

Acquire and spend skill points as if the character were a member of only the secondary class. Skills purchased from the skill list are pruchased as a member of the secondary class. The Maximum Rank is 5 for class skills, and 2.5 for Cross-class skills.