Well, where do I begin?!?!
All hell broke loose for Carly when Sonny interupts the Qurtermaine's V-day gathering with the news that the baby is not Jason's or AJ's, but his. Stephan and Luke both find out that Lucky is alive. Luke sets of with Felicia to find Lucky and Larua and Mac both know. Laura is on a whining and jealous rage. Stephan asks Alexis for help with a lawsuit and Sonny wants an order for his child. Chole is still blind and aunt Gertrude found out. She has the surgery and losses her company. AJ wants to keep Carly in the house but make her life miserable. Liz, Emily, Juan, and Nickolas all got jobs at L&B. Emily wants Juan to get into the music buisness. Hannah is still a whiner with Sonny and is enraged for the affair Sonny had with Carly. They all found out the real reason Jason left was because of Carly sleeping with Sonny. Bobbie is getting to know Roy again
Jason & Liz : I think that what they had had spark. I wish he would've stayed longer.
Luke & Felicia : They look good together. To bad she is with Mac.
Emily & Juan: They are already together. They just need better story lines.
Sonny & Carly : I'd be so happy to see that they were together. Wouldn't it be interesting. I mean opposites attract.
Bobbie & Roy : They were an item, hope they get back together again.
Laura & Roy : They've had some sceens together. It would be interesting.
Alexis & Sonny : They have this little thing. I'd love to know how that would work out.