Wining Awards
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Win Awards

  • want to win an award? here are the rules...

  • Anime related sites only can win.

  • No hentai, after all i belong to the hentai free group

  • don't resummit after you did once. It may take time cause of my new website

  • Site can't be under construction.

  • Well that's the rules. Just fill in the forum below and you're set! Be sure to include: e-mail address, website url, website title, and what award you want(or let me decide.) GOOD LUCK^-^

  • well, you can't really win this award, you get this award if you do me a favour or gave me an award.

    this is the easiest award you can win, your site has to have: pics, text, has to have at least one special links like a guestbook.

    second easiest award. Has to have all of the above and few extras like a episode guide or character page.

    one of the hardest to win, for this you need javascripts, downloads, lots of links, the whole bit.

    now is this best award you can get from me, you have to have most of the things i have on my website, can't just have the main page nice and beautiful, all the pages have to look good and must belong in my webring and e-mail ^-^(sorry, but i need more members)

    What is Your Name?

    What is your Website's Title?

    What is your URL?

    E-mail Address?