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About This Site

This site was created by me, Andres or Andy. The reason I created the site is because I am a huge fan of Jason Williams. I love the way he plays. I began without a clue on what HTML was, so in order to make this site I needed some help. I run this site purely as a fan. A huge fan!

These Are Some Of Those Who Helped Me Create This Site

My Family

They are responsible for who I am today.

Javier Ricabal

For playing Basketball with me every Saturday,and for giving me a piece of his knowledge.

Edwin Higgins and Jose Pena

Both are my best friends and have both helped me in a positive way with their positive and well mannered ways.


He helped me with my banner.He was so generous, he gave me a lot of stuff that used to be on DoubleTrouble.


She's the co-owner of this site. She's helped out a lot with the graphics!

Thanks Crystal!


SLAM-The Most In Your Face Basketball Magazine.
