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={Jason Williams Responds}=

={Jason Responds}=

Jason Williams, has been suspended for five games in the up-coming season, without pay. Why? As I posted yesterday, Jason has been suspended because of his "failing to comply with his drug treatment plan." Nobody knows exactly what happened. What drug was involved? I have no idea. Nobody does. The NBA's anti-drug program will not disclose their "Confidential" information. Jason has responded to this with a quote which was found on Aol News which stated "I accept the NBA's decision. I must be responsible and accountable for my actions. The ball is in my court," Jason, as you know has a history with marijuana. He got kicked out of the University of Florida because of it. The KINGS have had faith in J-Will and still do. General Manager of the KINGS stated "Today's announcement represents a very unfortunate situation for the NBA, the Kings organization, Kings fans and Jason Williams,We as an organization are still 100 percent committed to providing lifelines of support to Jason,We continue to believe in the power of the human spirit to change for the better. Ultimately, however, it must begin with Jason choosing to change the behaviors that have precipitated today's announcement. He must become a better caretaker of his own soul."

Jason has repeatedly said that he has put his past behind him and claiming his problems with drugs were a "mistake." Let's hope he has put his past behind, him. Andres, the creator of this site, King Of the Thrill, hopes that everything will be cleared up and taken care of. Hopefully in time, everything turns out okay. See ya for today. Aileine Voison of the SacBee wrote an interesting article in it she wrote, "Twice, not once, he tested positive for marijuana. Twice, he vowed, "Never again." "What must they be thinking back in Belle? His relatives, his friends? All those youngsters who shaved their heads, shelled out $125 for the No. 55 Kings jerseys, taped his games, imitated his dribble, eagerly anticipated his occasional visits?"

What will the Kings do? Is Jason going to do the right thing? Nobody knows but him. He's great as player and hopefully his career keeps going on the right track.


Other News

Hey guys, how's it going out there? Well, it's going realy good around here! Sources for King Of The Thrill have reported that Jason is presently sporting a brand new tattoo! This tat is located on his left arm, right below the elbow. Now I'm not sure, these are only rumors...however SOURCES ARE SOURCES, and my sources tell me that he's got a new tattoo! So just remember YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST! Where? KING OF THE THRILL! Our source? The wonderful Stephanie Bradford who was able to meet Jason in person. She spotted him at a Sacto. Monarch Game! Cool huh? Well SEE YA!


Jon Barry took time to answer questions on! I know that I go by Andy on this site but my REAL name is Andres, and I sent in a question which was actually answered by Jon!

Here it is:

What is it like going up against Jason Williams in practice? Does he ever stun you with his wild moves?

Andres, Panorama City, CA

Barry: He does stuff almost on a daily basis that you've never seen before. I don't have to go up against him, fortunately, since he's a point guard and I'm not a point guard. But he does his thing and he's enjoyable to watch, and he usually does something different every day.

If ya have any comments, complaints, suggestions or if you just feel like writing to a Jason Williams fan, please write to