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privacy policy

the Angel Abyss legal team will rewrite this with fancy verbage soon.
for now...

here's the basics:

the terms "Angel Abyss", "the band", "we", etc. all refer to the owners of this site.

anything sent to Angel Abyss, both digitally and through postage, is between the person(s) that sent something and the band. Angel Abyss will not release any emails, artwork or personal information received from fans to any third party without permission. this site is hosted by a free web site service. if you are concerned about digital information being collected or cookies you should look at the Lycos privacy policy. the only information that the band collects is willingly submitted by visitors either through the mailing list form or through email. all employees must wash hands before returning to work. Angel Abyss will not post any writings or likeness of any fan on the website without permission. if anyone who has not given permission to be seen on the site is in a picture that gets posted certain measures will be taken to conceal their identity. keep your car doors locked at all times, we are not responsible for any damaged or stolen items. Angel Abyss are not obligated to post anything that they feel should not be seen or read on the website. if you send naked pictures or drug related photos we will probably need to blur out your face so we won't get in any trouble. keep all arms, legs and genetalia inside until the ride comes to a complete stop. please DO NOT send music or lyrics that you wrote unless you have copyrighted them first.

all content included on this site such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, and audio clips, is the property of Angel Abyss and protected by u.s. and international copyright laws, bitch. any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional. we condone downloading and sharing songs but you would be wise not to take any graphics or publish Angel Abyss lyrics, et cetera, without the band's permission. linking to the website is very welcome and we can provide image files and banners if requested. without the prior written consent of the owner any modification of the materials, use of the materials on any other web site or networked computer environment, or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of the copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights, and is prohibited.
that means behave yourself.

the purpose of this website is entertainment, information about Angel Abyss, interacting with our fans
and eventually to sell merch. if you have any questions contact the band and/or check the f.a.q. page.

privacy policyAAcopyright © 2005 angel abyss. all rights reserved.


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