I hope you enjoy my poems. They are not for all ages. Some have adult content. All are a reflection of my world at diferent times in my life. Some are quite blunt and some have hidden meanings. I'll leave it up to you to guess what ones are which. All poems on this page Copyright©1996-2001 by Kimberly Ann. Please do not copy them in any way. Than~Q! 0:)

Angel's Rose

angel came up from a flower / a structure that softly holds her power / a tear drop was all it took / to make angel come out to look / softly she flew inch by inch / and sang with her voice of a finch / 'god knows' / and ducked back into her rose / with two words, i knew again / that to my life, God would tend / angel will tell God all my woes / and make clear my love, He knows / through my years angel will watch over me / and light a candle the dark so i can see / forever will angel be in my heart / from that, she will never part / and that is how the story goes / of the angel and her rose

From Me To You

in the palms / of my hands / i hold me dear / like no other can hold / my selflessness to myself / i care for places / no one has touched / the woman in me breathes deep / in a sigh / renewing all / blowing away all the misty spots / making the lines match up / the words into paragraph form / and when i am white again / i give me to you / to abuse

Covering Up

'love is not about forever" / she said / my mother / she is dyeing within herself / as i cower down and cry / i can not bring her back to childness / from the cold adulthood / for i didn't know her as a child / so i again pick up the dirty glass / that cut my fingertips / deeper then the scars that are hidden / under make-up / but my blood does not flow / it gets sucked in like a vacuum / along with the slivers of pain / and the lies / all in me now / my mother smiles / but can't remember what just happened to the broken glass / i see myself smile back at her / and hear my veins scream out / in utter pain / and all is silenced

On My Own

my angel left me today / found i was doing alright / angel will come back / when needed again / till then / she keeps an open line / to my heart / just to hear me breathe

i find myself / reaching out to touch little things / as though if i don't / i might never be able / to touch again

Trying To Not Start The Hurt

'love don't leave me!' / she screamed / as she closed the door on him / 'i can't do without you!" / he screamed as he walked down the path / 'i have been hurt before' / they both thought / as they pushed their feelings to dissipate / just because of a little slip of the tongue / of the words / 'i love you' / too soon


my glass is empty / i drank of the half full liquid / about a year ago / but i will fill it up / to the top / next time i get the chance


a little girl / of five years old / when stepping so lightly / over a handicapped space / painted blue and white / knew that it meant / not to sit on the dirty ground / the fact that the stick figure was in a wheel chair / was indifferent / to the small girl


an old cowboy / in the town of folsom / stands on the corner / each night / we used to play darts at his house / never questioning why such an old man / would want us there / at all hours of the night / maybe it was a reason / not to stand on that corner / alone

San Lorenzo River

the river to my home / twists and turns through the mountains / carrying my leaves / that i so lovingly placed / on it's surface to float to freedom / i knew what leaves did on the ground / they decay / someday i might go back / and teach my children to save the leaves

2nd Class

many are the silent screams of ladies / with robotic arms / they bend and sway with the desires of their men / this is the 90's / things have been changing / they say / but just the other day in Safeway's / i saw a man roughly say to his wife / 'pick up that pen' / and she did it / with hands trembling / she meekly held the counter edge / waiting for a thank-you / that would never show it's face / i never heard her voice / but i'm quite sure it was as small as her lips


in my small lifetime i have passed many people / people i will never know again / people with eyes so cold / making me back away / eyes that look me up and down / as though they own me / chilling my spine / loving eyes / as though / you have known them for years / blank stares / looking past me to a distant event

Light Pink

my love has colors / tints and contrasts / a shade for each individual / my heart, a door / open to all who might want to enter / maybe that's why i get hurt so much / but i will never let it lock / my head is an ocean / never ending waves of thought / knowledge to do right / by everyone

Getting Back To Normal

waking up to the sound of lawn mowers / too tired to think / or act rational / my hands fumble with the clock / and as the haze clears / i suddenly remember / that you are no longer mine / and i resort to staring at the wall / till my alarm screams at me to get up

The Dream

sleep / come take me / cover me with your blueness / or perhaps your lavenders / take my soul so that my body can rest / but my mind can sore / give my thoughts to the sky / your sky / your sky of waves / carry me up / so I no longer hear the buzz of the world / grab me away / till i can't remember where I came from / show me myself / as I really am / which I have long forgotten... / and will forget by tomorrow's sun


"i hate you" / she said / hate that comes from the spider webs / that held her mind from speaking / blood gushing from her heart / the cold trickle on the floor / making faces / changing color / water won't wash that away / and she just sees / the line she crossed / well it came from a friend / idiotic minds really / let everything take over / and the incense burnt out long ago / and he just looks / nothings there / yet she hits the wall again / the anger so dense / no escape through him / then a thought of reality / and she gives up / and they just look... / blank


the bars creep in again / from the past so far away... / and I think / i could never feel this way again / this fear / and again I say this fear / the one that kept me cold / the one that held me within it's numbness / and the pills / me / an adult / i could never feel this way again / how can it come back / i'm smarter now / everyone says I'm happy / it shows in their eyes / but with a cup of water / i swallow my savior / and think within myself / no i could never feel that way again

The Glance

i saw you once / then we looked away / how is it that true beauty is only noticed / in a second glance / and why do we fear that glance most? / is it that we see ourselves overcome with modesty / or could it be guilt?


when I close my eyes I see you / smell you... / something so fragile / slipping right through my fingers / no one can capture the sea

Do You Feel?

do you feel it when i laugh? / my eyes filled with light / or perhaps when i cry / all alone at night / do you tense up when i fall / or when i try with all my might? / did you forget to feel me / when i held you tite? / for i am just your little girl / out of your mind / and out of your site

Think About It

call me silly... / i'll think about it for an hour / call me a bitch... / i'll think about it for a day / call me a whore... / i'll think about it for a week / call me ugly... / i'll think about it for a year / call me stupid... / i'll think about it for a decade / don't call me at all... / i'll think i'm worthless for a lifetime


holding on to what i don't have any more / thinking everything is the way it was before... / but there's no way that can be / they took what was left of me / through my veins and choking my heart / my vines of pain tearing me apart / slamming into nothing there / looking back at my empty stare / push forward before I'm ready / onto a ground that is never steady / some lane I never dreamed of walking / while slowly the ghost of the past comes stalking / "what was once is no more" echoes in my head / i must cover with cement my past cold dead / if it haunts me once more / i'll have to show myself the door / crossing thoughts i should not let / "always remember to never forget"

i have offten thought of swiming / far out into the sea till i was too weak to go on / and sink to the bottom / one day i see / i have already done that to myself on land / then all i can do is cry / for lost dreams and broken time

All poems on this page Copyright©1996-2001 by Kimberly Ann, All Rights Reserved