LOS GATOS NEGROSSimon and Pugsley are our beloved cats. We must not speak badly about either of them; especially Simon, for fear they will attack us in our sleep.
This is Simon Nigel Redfield.
Yes our cats have middle names. Well why not? Simon Nigel actually got his name because I couldn't decide wether I wanted to name him Simon cause it seemed like that was his name anyway OR Nigel cause I am obsessed with the band XTC. So Simon Nigel it is. Simon was fated to live with me. My friend Jena asked me if I wanted a cat for my birthday. Well seeing as how I was living somewhere where I could have my own cat I didn't say no. I also didn't say yes. I told Jena I didn't know what I wanted and I told Sean (who I wasn't living with yet) that I was going to leave it up to chance. Sometimes indecision can be a good thing cause for my birthday Jena brought me Simon. Simon is pretty much indifferent to everything. His favorite hobbies are; sitting around, sleeping, watching stuff happen and not moving. He does play "midnight tear-ass" with Pugsley, which I am glad for because otherwise he'd get no excercise at all. He is a smart cat, he knows how to play fetch but chooses not to. He likes to eat toy mice too. |
Pugsley Somethingorotheravich
Pugsley has a middle name, damn if I can remember it though. Puglsey rocks socks. The story of how we came to know him is a sappy one full of ohhs and ahhs. Sean and I were on our way to the coffeeshop when something in the planter caught my eye. I shouted "I think there's a kitten in the bushes!" and jumped out of the car. Sure enough, there was this TINY little black kitten bounding about. When I went up to the planter the cat was all over me, purring and nuzzling. The neighbors kids were outside their apt so I asked them if it was their cat. The mom said, "No. That cat's been there for days, my kids keep bugging me to keep it but I don't want a cat." Even so, I couldn't leave the cat out in the cold. Although we live in southern California, winter was appraoching and it was pretty darn cold out. (lame excuse for keeping the cat #1) We decided that if the cat was still there when we got back from coffee we'd figure out what to do then. I was kinda hoping it would get cold and go back home to wherever he lived. I then walked back to the car and Sean went around to his side. T he look of his face would've broke nyone's heart cause when I looked down there was Pugsley sitting ON his foot, looking up at him. "That's it," I said. "We're bringing him in." The next few days involved putting up 'found cat' flyers all over my neighborhood (no one called) and then feverishly looking for a place to adopt him. As it stands, in Orange County you have two options for your found kitty; you take him to the pound, and they take him, no questions asked. They will also euthanize him if a home cannot be found. OR you get the cat neutered and vaccinated and THEN you can put him up for adoption. (lame excuse for keeping the cat #2) We brought the cat down to our friendly neighborhood low-cost vet. The VA's cooed and cuddled Pugster. (who was actually named Garfunkel at the time as a joke cause we had no intention of keeping him) The VA gave him a checkup and told us he was too small to give him all his vaccinations so we'd have to come back in three weeks! He weighed less than a pound when we found him, the vet figured he was about 6 weeks old. Looks like we were cat sitting longer than we thought we would. It doesn't take long for these guys to have an effect on you. |