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David's Baseball Autograph Page

David's Baseball Autograph Page

Hi! My name is David. I am 16 years old, and one of my hobbies has been collecting autographs by mail. I have been collecting autographs for about two years, and I have several signatures by now. My focus is on collecting baseball autographs, because I love baseball. The reason I have set up this page is to help you when you are deciding whether or not to write to someone. For example, you wouldn't write to Albert Belle, because he's an asshole and doesn't read his mail. I'll also try to inform you if a player uses a fake signature (i.e. autopen). This page is updated as often as I get autographs. Good luck in collecting, and if you want to e-mail me, my address is

UPDATE 11/18/01:

This has been quite a year in baseball. With McGwire, Ripken, and Gwynn taking their final tours around the league, two exciting rookies captivating the entire nation, the shattering of sports' most hallowed record, and a great World Series to top it all off, it is a great time to be a fan. It seems that pitching made a resurgence this year, as evidenced by increased strikeouts and fewer walks than previous years. Several no-hitters were thrown (I got to see two that the Padres suffered, as well as one that was broken up by a bunt in the eighth inning). And speaking of the Diamondbacks, congratulations on defeating the Yankees (those bastards!). I'm not sure if any team could beat Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson in a short series... but give them credit (not too much to Bob Brenly though- his team won the Series, so I'm sure people will be praising him, but it wasn't because of his intelligent managerial moves- I think he cost his team at least two games with some idiotic decisions). But enough second-guessing. He's the one making the big bucks, as they say. Plus he has a moustache.

My page is divided into six main sections:
Current Player Successes, Retired Player Successes, Failures, Addresses, Signing Habits, and Links .

Here are the six sections:

Current Successes

Retired Successes



Signing Habits


I would like to thank the many people who helped me with the construction of this site. Special thanks to Charles and Brian for helping with the scanning, and to Ms. Triana for teaching me how to make a website (this site is a project for her computer class).