P.S.~~~My Comment's in ()'s!
Record 2 Name: nevermind
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ny
Time: 1999-10-14 04:06:17
Comments: I think that this is a corny page!!!!!!(It's not a page, it's a site and personally I don't care what you think.) If you ahve(ahve?...hmm..NOT a word) nothing better to do thatn(do you mean that or than?) diss some music groups you hosuld (hosuld? you SHOULD get a spell checker.)get a life.(I have a life , thanks! It's my time to waste.) These groups and people are talented people.(britney....talented???HAHAHAHAHAHA, that has to be the FUNNIEST thing I've EVER heard, talented and Britney in the same sentence?LOL!!) I know we are all entitled to our opinions but i don't think you should devote a whole page to it.(It's a site!) It is stupid!!!!!!(YOU are stupid, I mean you can't even tell the difference between a page and a site!Okay enough from you....some advice "GET A SPELL CHECKER!")
All the sudden out of the blue... guess what? ANOTHER DipShit!
DipShit #2 Record 1
Name: Bitchany( figures...)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: earth (no really? Me too! Dumbass...)
Time: 2000-05-29 22:37:37
Comments: look bitch,(arf, arf) you have got a serious problem. ( really? I haven't noticed)Humor sites are for fans makeing fun of people they like.(yea.. and... I Like the BSB) Not bitchs like you sending out pure hate.(It's not pure hate.. it comes from the heart...hehe..this is not a hate site.) and if you put this message up(you KNEW you were gonna be here..) as one of those DIPSHITS as you call them,(as i call *youu*) with your lame comebacks,(i'd like to see you do better, jeez! Who stuck a pipe up your ass?) i am not gonna give a damn(obviously you do) because you don't know me.(thats a good thing, because if i did know you , you'd be dead.) Now I am a backstreet fan (uh-huh.. you're whats called a "TEENY-BOPPERR")but I am also a Britney and Nsync fan.(So?) You know you can't judge people by what you think,(Who says? My site.. what i think is the only thing that belongs here.freedom of speech ribbon on the first page ya ditz, ever see one?) because that just make(you mean makeS) you a bigger bitch than you already are, if thats possible.( maybe, maybe not.) Just because your jelouse of Britney spears(no, im not JEALOUS of that ugly plastic air tube) doesn't give you the right to dog her like that.(that's right FREEDOM OF SPEECH gives me the right to dog her like that) So she is more beautiful than you,(how the hell would you know? Like you said.. you don't know me. I model for ELITE in Atlanta.) get over it.( get over what?) So Justin Timberlake will never date your sorry ass,( Oh THANK YOU JESUS!! THAT DUMBASS WILL NEVER ASK ME OUT!!::Dances:: get over it.(get over what?) Brian is getting married, (yea, you're point? don't tell me you were the last to hear about it.)don't hate Leighanne,( I don't... she ALSO models for ELITE in Atlanta.. or did you forget that she lives in Marietta Georgia? I know her, and she has read this page, she doesn't care, she's cool like that.) you never had him anyways.( That's right! I had my baby , Jesse for the past 2 years! =) ) So stop being a bitch about it and grow up,( Whose telling Who to grow up?) these people are not you friend, (didnt i just say i know Leighanne? Ta hell w/ the rest of them... I'll bet nsync's "secretly" gay, and britney's a whore..in fact I KNOW britney's a whore.they don't know you exist (Leighanne does, so does Howie.. i met him too before.)just stop getting pissed off about it. (Hey look, I'm not the one pissed off here.)Keep your opion( what the hell's an opion?) to yourself( why don't you keep your opinion to YOURself.. I was unaware that this was YOUR site... you douchebag slut lover) and you will stop getting hatemail. ( i only got what? 2 letters in a year? I think I'm doing pretty good.)Do you like it when I call you a bitch,( you think i givea goddamn?) well I bet Britney Spears don't like it when you call her a bitch to.( Again, do I give 2 shits?no.) And by the way the chipettes are cool,(I have the feeling someone's 12...) and as for nsync,( please go to www.nsyncsucks.com.. that first page is awesome!) that so called queer Lance could get more girls than Nick Carter ever could.(don't make me Laugh! lol too late!) The rat faced JC could probably steal Leighanne away from Brian.(no, i don't think so.He could try, but Brian'd probly smack "The Book" *(thats the bible for those who dont get it*) over his head a few times.) Justin well what can you say about Justin? ( i can say alot about the wannabe bastard.)and Joey( you mean the FAT ONE?) is like A.j.( WANNABE!) so you dog Joey your dog'n A.j.(I'm not dogging A.J., I'm dogging Joey.) Chris is tight no matter what kinda comment you put,(Chris is tight? LOL HAHAHAHAHAHA.. CHRIS IS A D-O-R-K!!!) Chris will always be tight.(TO A 12 YEAROLD TEENYBOPPER like YOU)
that's all this dipshit had to say... she makes me laugh.. lol.