The " People Mistake My House For A Barn " award goes to ,Big M
The " I'm so ugly I wish I was a pimp" award goes to , Tristan Battle.
The " I send out fake pictures, I wish this was me " award goes Lil E!
The " I disrespect my own cousin ( arin ) and get away with it award goes to Ben Workman!
The " OMG This DORK is SOOOOO Country " award goes to Josh Toll.
The " Hi, Im Brian and I'm Gay " award goes to Brian Harris! ::side note ::--
::PUKE::.. Damn boy you're UGLY!
The " Don't Roll Away" award goes to Chalky -- inside Joke .
And finally, last and least The " Heart Breaker of the year " award goes to Jesse Just. Just because I can. =)