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Copywrite 2006, Carrie Viskozki. This pattern is provided for your personal use only. Please do not copy to another web site without permission.

This is another potholder found among my great-grandmother's things. As with the Fancy Purple Doily, there was no written pattern. With the help of Pam and Glenna Jo, I have attempted to write a pattern for it.

Size: Approximately 7"


Size 10 cotton thread, light pink, light green, light blue.
Size 5/1.7mm steel crochet hook.

Special Stitches –

Beginning Popcorn: Chain 3 (first dc). 4 dc’s in same space. Drop hook from last loop, insert into top loop of first dc in grouping. Slip stitch into dropped loop of grouping.

Popcorn: 5 dc’s in indicated space. Drop hook from last loop, insert into top loop of first dc in grouping. Slip stitch into dropped loop of grouping.

Double Popcorn: Make either Beginning Popcorn or Popcorn in space indicated. Chain 4, make Popcorn in same chain space.

Beginning Shell: Chain 5, dc in indicated space.

Shell: Dc, chain 2, dc in indicated space.

Big Beginning Shell: Chain 7, dc in indicated space.

Big Shell: Dc, chain 4, dc in indicated space.

First Motif –

Round 1: With pink, chain 4, join to form ring. Chain 1, make 12 hdc’s in ring. Join to first hdc.

Round 2: Chain 3, slip stitch in next hdc. Chain 3, slip stitch in next hdc (11 times). (12 chain 3 spaces).

Round 3: Slipstitch into chain 3 space. Make Beginning Popcorn. *Chain 4. Make popcorn in next chain 3 space. Repeat from * around. Chain 4, join to top of first popcorn. (12 popcorns, 12 chain 4 spaces).


Round 4: Slipstitch into first chain 4 space. Make Double Popcorn. *Chain 4. Make Popcorn in NEXT chain 4 space. Chain 4. Make Double Popcorn in NEXT chain 4 space. Chain 4. Repeat from * around. Join with slipstitch in top of first popcorn. Finish off. (Note: You will have a Double Popcorn grouping in EVERY OTHER chain 4 space, and ONE popcorn grouping in the ALTERNATING chain 4 spaces). (18 popcorns, 18 chain 4 spaces).

Round 5: With green, join in any chain 4 space, make Double Popcorn. Chain 4. 3 dc’s in next chain 4 space. *Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. 3 dc’s in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. (18 popcorns, 27 dc’s).

Round 6: Slipstitch into chain 4 space in double popcorn. Make Beginning Double Popcorn in chain 4 space. *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc. Make Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. (18 popcorns, 45 dc’s).

Round 7: Slipstitch into chain 4 space in double popcorn. Make Double Popcorn in chain 4 space. *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Make Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. (18 popcorns, 63 dc’s).

Round 8: Slipstitch into chain 4 space in double popcorn. Make Double Popcorn in chain 4 space. *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Make Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. (18 popcorns, 81 dc’s).

Round 9: Slipstitch into chain 4 space in double popcorn. Make Double Popcorn in chain 4 space. *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 7 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Make Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 7 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. (18 popcorns, 99 dc’s).

Round 10: Slipstitch into chain 4 space in double popcorn. Make Double Popcorn in chain 4 space. *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 9 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Make Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 9 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. (18 popcorns, 117 dc’s).

Round 11: Slipstitch into chain 4 space in double popcorn. Make Double Popcorn in chain 4 space. *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 11 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Make Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 11 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. (18 popcorns, 135 dc’s).

Round 12: Slipstitch into chain 4 space in double popcorn. Make Double Popcorn in chain 4 space. *2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 13 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Make Double Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. 2 dc in next dc, 1 dc in next 13 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Join with slipstitch to beginning popcorn. Finish off. (18 popcorns, 153 dc’s).

Second Motif –

Round 1- 4: Make same as for First Motif.


Round 5: With blue, join in any chain 4 space. Chain 5, dc in same space (dc, ch 2, dc made). *3 dc’s in next chain 4 space. Dc, chain 2, dc in chain 4 space. 3 dc’s in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. Join with slipstitch to 3rd dc in beginning space. (45 dc’s).

Round 6: Chain 3. Dc, chain 2, dc in chain 2 space. *Dc in each dc to next chain 2 space. Dc, chain 2, dc in chain 2 space. Repeat from * around. Dc in each remaining dc. Join with slipstitch to top of beginning chain 3. (63 dc’s).

Round 7: Chain 3. Dc in next dc. Dc, chain 2, dc in chain 2 space. *Dc in each dc to next chain 2 space. Dc, chain 2, dc in chain 2 space. Repeat from * around. Dc in each remaining dc. Join with slipstitch to top of beginning chain 3. (81 dc’s).

Round 8: Chain 3. Dc in each dc to chain 2 space. Dc, chain 2, dc in chain 2 space. *Dc in each dc to next chain 2 space. Dc, chain 2, dc in chain 2 space. Repeat from * around. Dc in each remaining dc. Join with slipstitch to top of beginning chain 3. (99 dc’s).

Round 9: Repeat Round 8. (117 dc’s).

Round 10: Repeat Round 8. (135 dc’s).

Round 11: Repeat Round 8. (153 dc’s).

Round 12: Repeat Round 8. (171 dc’s).

**Note: A test of this pattern indicated that another round might be necessary for the second motif. In order for all the stitches to line up for the Border Round, please follow the next directions for the 13th Round – Chain 3, dc in each dc to chain 2 space. *Chain 2 (do not dc, ch 2, dc in chain 2 space as in previous rows). Dc in each dc to next chain 2 space. Repeat from * around to first dc. Join with slipstitch to top of beginning chain 3. (171 dc’s).

Border Round: Put two motifs back to back. Working in spaces of BOTH motifs together, do the following:

With pink, join in any chain 4 space. Make Beginning Popcorn, chain 3, make Popcorn in same space. *Chain 3. Skip next dc, hdc in next dc. Chain 3. Skip next dc, 3 dc in next dc, chain 3. Skip next dc, hdc in next dc, chain 3. Skip next dc; make Popcorn in next dc, chain 3. Do NOT skip next dc. Make Popcorn in next dc, chain 3. Skip next dc, hdc in next dc, chain 3. Skip next dc, 3 dc in next dc, chain 3. Skip next dc, hdc in next dc, chain 3*. Make Popcorn, chain 3, make Popcorn in next chain 4 space. Repeat from * to * around. Join with slipstitch to top of first Popcorn. Finish off. (36 Popcorns, 36 hdc’s, 54 dc’s).

Original Potholder

There’s no telling how old these are, but I would guess at least 40 years old.

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