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Hello all, these are my friends for the net. I have some of their pictures, but not all of theirs. but i am gonna try to put everyone's pic on here when i get there pics. enjoy!


This is Daniel (KALANI), he is my bro and best friend. he means so much to me, and is the most special person i know. we have gone through a lot together, and helped each other through everything. i would do anything for him. he such a great guy, and is so sweet. I love you Daniel!
Daniel Picture


My sis Kellie (blue_eyes101). she wont let me put her pic on here, she's shy i guess, lol. anyways, she is so awesome...we talk about a lot. we have gone through a lot together, WOW!!! she is very sweet, and loving. she means a lot to me, and she's very special, and i can't wait until we meet for the first time. i love you Kellie! Kellies Picture


My friend John (EYE). He is really cool. He gave me my first Aop in his room, and showed me how to get good scripts. if it wasn't for this genious, I wouldn't know most of the stuff i know about the net and stuff. He's also a really good friend. The day I went to meet him, we had a blast, and a good time talking. Thanx so much John...I love you bro!
John Picture


My bro Micheal (Lynard_Skynard). he basically made this room for me...well, i told him what to write and stuff, but he did it all. he's so awesome! hes really nice, and a really great guy. i think our friendship will really grow. he's so cool, and yes i'll stay away from your sister, (inside joke) lol. i love you bro!
Mike's Picture


this is my friend Simon (fs). he is so awesome, but lives in South Africa, so i can only e-mail him now. i met him whe he was in here in Cali for the summer, and we became pretty good friends, but then he went back to S.A. he's really cool, and we e-mail each other all the time. take care in bro, and good luck coming back to Cali to finish school. love you bro!
Simon Picture


My sis Jessy (WildWestieGirl). i love this girl to death. we met on ICQ, an have just become awesome friends. i mean she so so incredibly great! she means so much to me. she lives in Australia, so i don't get to see her, but i plan to take a trip there to meet her. we talk a lot about stuff, and help each other get through our problems. i love you sis! ...hang in there!


Chris was Jessy's boyfriend, but not anymore obviously. Chris is really cool. he's is an Aussie too, and when i go there to see everyone in Aus, i'll be seeing him too (guess i'll be there a while huh?) lol. we fight a lot though, but i still love him! i really care about him a lot. hang in there Chris. i'm praying for you!!!
Chris Picture


my sis lizzy (FoXy). she is Micheal's sister, and it's cool that i am really good friends with both of them. she is so great, she called me first (the first person to call me, i usually call everyone, lol) and we talk for over an hour...then i talked to micheal for like an hour, lol. but i love her a lot, she's an awesome person, and good to talk to. she is also an awesome mother, and is doing very well with dealing with a tough life. keep it up lizzy, and don't change. i love you.


Nathan (Nathan_C)is my bro from Australia. he is so cool. i love him a lot, he is so cool. when i go to Aus, i am defently hanging out with this boy! man, he gave me one of the best birthday presents too, but i wont tell what he sent me. =) he means a lot to me. well, i love you bro, take care!


ok, this is my bro Dustin (SLIDER). we have gone through a lot together too. he is so awesome! we talk on the phone sometimes, and it's really cool. he's so nice, and i care about him a lot, and think he an awesome friend. we are gonna meet soon, not sure when, but we will. maybe he'll be my roomate along with Daniel and all. =) well, bro, hang in there,and i love you!


Diana (scooter_chick69). she's tight. we also talk on the phone. she is so cool, and i love her a lot. we talk about all sorts of stuff. i can't wait until we meet either ...hopefully she'll come see me with all the traveling i'm already gonna be doing, but if not, i'll be there, lol. she is a really good friends of mine, and great to talk to. she's so sweet, and i care a lot abut her. i love you Diana!


Nathan (LORD_OF_DARKNESS) is a really cool guy! i met him when i went up to meet John, we had lunch at Subway (or TOGO's) lol. either way it was really fun. he's helped me with a lot of stuff on the net too. he helped me get Black Fury script, which is really cool. thanx alot Nathan, Take Care!


WOW! what can i say about Holly (jenifer). she is my sweety. I love her so much. we talk about everything. she means so much to me, and i care about her a lot. we are gonna have a blast when we meet. she thinks i am sweeter than her, but i don't think so, lol. She's really awesome. i love you! Hollys Picture


Larry (Firewalker_01) is a really awesome guy. he hardly ever comes on the chat, but when he does, he always has lots of friends (including me). and yes, Larry is my bro too ( i have a lot of bro's) lol. hang in there larry, i love you bro!


Tabby (QueenB). WOW is she cool! we have this really funny inside joke, but i wont say it, LOL (has to do with body parts) lol. but she is really cool, and i love her a lot. she is there when i ned some to talk to to cheer me up, and i thank her for that, thanx. ur really awesome Tabby...I love you!


well, i love heavensangel so much. she is so sweet, and so great. we were going out for a while, and she was really awesome. she's my sis, and i love her a lot. she also live about 6 hours away, so her and i are gonna have to meet. and heaven, sorry about all the confussion. i'm glad we are still friends. =) i love you!


Joel (Joel) is a really cool guy. i hardy ever see him, but he is a very strong Christian, and has given me some great advise about life. he also made me an Aop in a Christian Chat room...if on the server Chatspot type: /join #teens4Jesus. Joel is an IRCop, but never askhim to be an op, (trust me) LOL. thanx Joel, your awesome! Joels Picture