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The Nickelodeon Big Help Concert

Hey everyone...a friend of ours went to the Big Help concert thing when it was taped. I forgot what day it was. But here are the pictures....lucky girl got to sit in the front row. Give her some credit cause these were THE best pictures out of about a stack of 24!

We are also looking for some comments you might have on each us your comment on the pic...please check out our note about that by going back to the concerts page and clicking where it says "Add your comments".

If you would like to use these pictures for your own personal use(i.e...poster, photo, computer card...along those lines) you are more than welcome to...but please ASK us first if you want to borrow them for your site...thanx:::

Joey and Justin! and Shayna went crazy over this pic cuz it's got both of our babies!

Sorry people...we couldn't get a full group shot...unless you want me to do the one where Justin is standing next to Britney??

This is just for those JC luvers! But hey...I LOVE Lance but can anyone NOT luv JC in this pic??