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*N Sync Millennium

[Welcome to the Sun]

Here's the latest updates!

[Mercury Rising]

Late-Breaking News

[Shuttle Countdown]

TV, Radio, and other appearance schedules

[Mission to Mars]

Link to Janine's Nsync awesome fiction

[Time Traveler]

Bios of all the guys...past and present!

[Earthly Wonders]

Multimedia: Wavs, sounds, campaigns, our banner, and NSA items


New and Old pics of the guyz

[Space Cowboys]

Humor: Parodies, skits, and revealing and outrageous jokes and more!

[Navigation Team]

Links, links, and even more links!

[Astronaut 1]

All about Janine

[Astronaut 2]

All about Shayna

[Communications Team]

Email us at with your comments/suggestions/questions/pix/stories/ect

[Life Support Team]

Here's our shout outs and thank youz

[Space Station]

Sign our guestbook

[Millennium Museum]

View our guestbook

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©1999 by Janine and Shayna for everything that is on this site. Don't take stuff without our permission. Disclaimer: we are not Nsync, we don't know them(we wish!). So please don't think so.

On the web since Oct. 28, 1999