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Shayna's Concerts Experience

My First Concert

I went to 3 concerts, more like 2. I went to the Teen Choice Awards. So I'm gonna you that experience too.

My first concert experience was sooo fantastic! It was at the Arrowhead Pond, Anahiem, CA. I went with Minda, Chelsea, and Minda's dad. Chelsea and I got the tickets as Bat Mitzvah present for Minda.

When we got to Anahiem, we stopped at Del Taco to eat. We knew we were in the right area because there were 2 girls there that were wearing *N Sync shirts and the arena was about 5 min. away.

When we finished eating, we went headed straight for the Arrowhead Pond. When we got there, there were screaming, crying fans everywhere. We got to see JoJo (a dj for 102.7 KIIS FM). He's looks like Joey Mcintyre. *LOL* But that's not the point here. When we got to Will Call, there were a big group of girls screaming, "JUSTIN, JUSTIN!" I knew that was my call to get a chance/glimpse to see him and what was happening. Sure enough, he was in the window waving to everybody. He was doing a meet 'n' greet so he wasn't able to wave to us that much.

When we got our tickets, we went inside. It was bazerk inside! Well doy, who wouldn't be syked at concert knowing you are gonna have fun! *LOL* I know I was, I just couldn't stop talking. None of us could. We got our seats and we just chilled. We were looking around when Minda and I spotted a girl that looked exactly like Dannielle Fishel. So she and I got out of our seats and went to where the back off the stage is to go take a closer look. But it wasn't her.

The lights dimmed and there were screams everywhere. Tatyana Ali came on. She was great. Then Blaque. They were good too. Then the Suger Hill Gang. I was laughing sooo hard (too myself) because I haven't heard that song that they sang for the longest time.

After those acts, there was an interlude. BORING! hahaha. So we waited for about 15-20 mins. From where we were sitting you can see who will come out on stage. And we saw *N SYNC, so we started screaming nad cheering. And once one group of people screams the whole arena screams. Screaming knowing that *NSync is coming on or screaming for the heck of it.(There were a lot of screaming for the heck of it. haha).

I loved that huge robot they had! That was really tyte. And I liked that alien thing too. They started singing. We sang along! Then they had that mini interlude when they showed "You Drive Me Crazy". The funny thing was that Minda, Chelsea, and I were the only ones singing it because I have the Winter Album. And you can hear us through out the whole arena, because no one ws singing it, so people were looking at us amazed! It was so funny.

Then they did that decade thing. My favorite was The Wonders (That Thing You Do) and the Jackson 5. But my fav from those 2 were the Jackson 5. It ws so cute. Chris sang just like li'l michael did. I liked "God Must Have Spent (A Little More Time On You)" performence. Since it's my favorite song and all. It was the funniest and cutest thing. I LOVED when Justin stopped for bout 3 mins. He made to cutest face! It was so cute I wanted to laugh so hard. He had that smile, that just grabs you, on his face. I also really liked the "Sailing" performence. That was very creative and fun to watch. Then from what I can remember, the last song they did was Tearin' Up My Heart. That was it. NO MORE *N SYNC! They left. We left. Everyone left. Except for the one's that thought *N Sync was going to come out again.

We got to the car and got on the freeway. We could have swore we saw *N Sync's tour bus. But we didn't even want to trip over something that might not even them.

That was my very first concert experience! Being *N Sync or any concert. That is something that I know that I will remember forever <3!

The Teen Choice Awards!

On August 1, 1999, I went to the Teen Choice Awards. (It was actually taped on the 1st but shown on the 8th). My friend Kathleen and her sister, also my friend, Tricia(Trish) got me and my friends Minda and Chelsea the tickets to go. And of course we went with them. *LOL* It was sooooo much fun! I just had to wear a baby blue dress, because that's my fav color. *lol*

When we got there we had our tickets in our hands waiting to get inside(we were in the front of the line,duh! haha) So we waited outside for about 15 or so min. and I was just standing around waiting anxiously to get inside. Then I really and to go number 1. So I went towards the bathroom and there is this bodyguard standing there. And he's like,"You need someone to escort you to the bathroom"

And I said, "No i don't need anybody to escort me to the bathroom. I think I can do it myself. Thank you very much!"

"Then you can't go in. You need someone to take you to the bathroom" he said. So I had to walk back to the line. And was waiting for 5 min for someone to take me. I swear I think that was just plain mean! Ok I came out of the bathroom and went back in line.

I was just standing there waiting to go inside. The other were talking among themselves. As I was looking around watching the limos go by us, I saw a guy that looked so familiar to me. I know that I have have never met him before so I must have seen him on t.v. When he turned around, I was in total shock. It was Darrren Henson. *N SYNC's, Britney Spears, Jordan Knights, and many more choreographer. (I know, to some people it's just a choreographer but to me it means a whole lot more. I just love his work! He works wonders *LOL*. hahaha. He is a terrific dancer!) So when he turned around, he noticed me staring at me. I just whipped my head back so he would notice me staring at him (too late, ahaha). And then I slowing turned my head back at him to see if was really him. Sure enough it was. He saw me looking at him again and he started laughing. Then I said to Minda, "Hey look at him! That's Darren Henson! You know *N SYNC's choreographer!"

Minda said, "Oh yeah!" (Ok let me tell you right now, this man, Darren, is sooooooo FINE!)So from that last time he saw me looking at him, he stared to walk over towards us.(I think that he thought we were older. Maybe about 16. Because I don't think that he would came to us knowing that we ae only 13 going on to 14. They claim that he was checking me out. Especially Chelsea. She kept saying, "Girl, I saw how he was checking you out when he was talking to us." All I could do was laugh.)And right there and then I can feel my cheeks burning, because I was blushing so much! And he started to talk to us and asked us if we were excited and of course we said yes. He asked who are we excited to see and all of us said *N SYNC. (Did i mention that this guy is FINE?! I think i did, but I want it to get through your head. *lol*) I asked him if he was the guy next to Jordan Knight, "Give it to you" music video, he said yes. Right there and then I turned to Minda and I said, "Told ya so!" I felt so bad for her. I completely embarrassed her infront of him. (Sorry Minda) Then his like bodyguard person said he had to go. And we said bye.(One more time, this guy is sooooo FINE!!!! You just have to see him in person! ok that's enough. Shayna breathe. hahaha.)

We finally got to go in! We were so happy! We got into our seats. They were 9th row on the floor. It was sooo close! I mean we got to sit right behind Beverly Mitchell. (Lucy on 7th Heaven)So it was Kathleen, Minda, Chelsea, and me, we all got to sit together. And Trish got to sit next to her friend Corine in a different section. We were talking and looking at all the stars that passed by us. Then all of a sudden we hear screams. And I'm like who's hear and why are they screaming? I looked straight infront on me and there is Justin walking to his seat. Then all of them came out. I was all jumpy in my seat, when I promised myself to be calm. *LOL* The show started and it turned out to be a good show. For the commericals they have 10 min breaks so people can get up and stretch. *N Sync one an award, so we were suspecting that they would come out from behind the backstage to go back in their seats. In one of the breaks, Minda, Kathleen, and I got up to go see if *N SYNC was going to come out. When we were walking towards the enterance/exit to the backstage, we bumped right into 98º! DANG! Did Jeff look good! But *N SYNC never came out.:(

We went back to our seats and watched the rest of the show. Then *N SYNC and Gloria Estefan came out and sang 'Music of My Heart'. I could have swore Justin looked at me for about 2 min. then turned to the other section and then looked at me another 2 min. (I know that sounds stupid, but when you love them all [especially Justin] I think that would be just as excited. And when he gives you those puppy dog eyes when he sings, I think you'd melt too!)Then more of the show. Then it was done. :(

When we went towards the car, Kathleen's father talked to Genie Garth.(Kelly on 90210.) We also saw *N SYNC's tour bus but I doubt that they were in there. Then we got into the car and that would conclude our night. I just have to say that this is something/night that I would never forget!

*I'd like to thank Kathleen and Trish for inviting me to come. And their father and mother for getting the tickets! I give you a gr8 BIG THANK YOU!*
I have 2 new experience to share with ya'll on 2/23 and 2/24. The Grammy's one is a but boring (2/23)but for me the 2/24 was just perfect! I'm gonna start with the Grammy one.

My friends Nesa, Katie, and Samantha(Sam) went with me(Janine couldn't come :( ). We went to go see stars but basically *N Sync(for Sam, Blink 182).

When we got there, there were all kinds of limos! HummerLimos, limos, stretch limos. etc. My dad was like, "Hurry get out! Hurry Hurry!" We ran into the street and on the sidewalk and waited for my dad. We were soo exicted!

We were asking people who work there if they have seen *N Sync and they said, "I heard they were running late." others, "Yeah, they are already inside." So we walked around the whole Staples Center to get to where all the watchers were standing.

We standing for about 2 hours until a little boy screams. All these people were running to see what he was screaming about. His reply, "Oh, it was just Will Smith and Sisqo." All these girls were screaming, so was I and my friends!

Another hour has gone by and Kid Rock came out with his lil friend! I got some good pics of Kid Rock but not his lil friend(my cam wasn't on! :( )

Another hour has gone by and Fred Durst came out! He was really cool. He gave hugs and kisses. I got a good one of him I think.

Now, that the Grammmy's ended, all these stars were coming out. The lead singer of Smashmouth came out, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez and Puffy, and Erykah Badu, and more. Once Katie saw Lance she screamed, "IT'S *N SYNC!". My camera was just flashing pictures. But I only got 3. It was soo funny. (At the end of the red carpet, my friend Shadia was there and actually got to talk to Justin and got a pic of with him. {She went to he Grammy's}).

Well when that was done, we walked towards the car, and a guy that went to the Grammy's gave me and Katie and Grammy's book. Nesa and Sam were sooo mad! (Sorry guys!)And now it was off to home we went.

That was the sorta boring one. But the best part was I got to spend some fun time with my friends!

2/24-"All That" taping. This experience I went with my History class, Leadership, and per. 4 History class. We always go to tapings. We went to the Snick House when LFO was there.

On the bus, girls kept on asking, "I wonder who's gonna be there?!" or "Do you know who's gonna be there?!" And I would say, "*N Sync of course!", in a kidding way. But it made sense that they would be there because they were just at the Grammy's last night. Well, the bus stopped in front of the studio and a guy that works there came on the bus and told us the rules and blah, blah, blah. And he's like "Today's musical guests are IMx, Britney Spears (all guys shouting and ruffing!) and *N-" when he just said the "n" word..all the girls were screaming and jumping on the bus. And me? I was CRYING! ok, do how stupid I felt? I mean, yeah, they were tears of joy, but I never expected to cry!! Haahaha.

We got off the bus and into the studio and stood there for an hour. Well, I really had to go the bathroom. So, a lady that I knew who worked at the Snick House took me and other girls to the bathroom. When I was walking down the stairs to go back in line, I heard Justin and JC say, "Bye, bye, bye" into their mics. When I heard that, I almost tripped down the stairs. Hahaha. I ran back to Nesa and was like, "Go, hurry! They are right behind that curtain!"

It was time to go inside and take our places. Amanda Bynes, the girl who introduces *N Sync, came out and did her thing and *N Sync came out *screams*. Well, Amanda had to redo her lines. So, *N Sync was just standing there and everyone else just standing still, except for me. Here I am, dancing my butt off to no music or anything. I hear Jusitn say, "Shush!". I stopped dancing to see who he was saying "Shush!" to, and it was me! (He saw me dancing) I gave him this "oops sorry/hey, baby!" kinda look. When he saw that look on my face, he gave me that smile that's just makes u wanna melt! and laughed. He's like, "I'm just jokin with ya!" and I said, "Hhaha, no problem!"

They performed "Bye, Bye, Bye," and did the performence twice. Then they had to go when they finished because they had to go to a party.

Then IMx(formally known as Immature) came out. I forgot what song they did. I think it's called "He Can't Love You" or "I Can Love You" (it's a ballad, that's all I know). It was really good. And Batman was looking GOOD! geez! Thet performed twice also.

Finally, lil Ms. Britney came out. She did a new song called "Oops, I Did It Again" from her new upcoming album "Sunflowers". It's an OK song, it has a nice beat. The dance is TYTE though! One of her new dancers is a Meaty Cheesy Boy. The blondie. The guy that does that thing when the part of the song goes, "Baby, you know it's hot and juicy.." yeah, him. He's a really good dancer!

The funny part was when my friend Ryan was dripping sweat after he saw Britney! It was sick but funny!

That is my best experience yet! Well, next to the TEEN Choice Awards. hehehe.

My next experience will be...hum. I don't know yet! I guess I'm gonna have to fight for some backstage passes now won't I?!