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House Baobhan


By Colin Chapman (

"Besides, we HATE everybody else. They're all NECRO-NERDS. SAND-FREAKS. They have tattoos and stuff saying how ROMANTIC death is. But Jimmy knows the TRUTH -- like me. Death is hard an' cold an' UGLY. Not some cute chick!" -- Sarah, The Maxx


House Baobhan stained the dreams of mortals with a foul ichor in the times of legend. Long before the Shattering, the vampiric Baobhan-Sidhe, and their allies the blood-thirsty Satyrs known as the Glaistig (Glas-tic), preyed on the warm blood of the mortals, and the fetid, bitter Glamour of the nightmares they inspired. Now, the mortals sleep soundly, comfortable in their blanket of Banality, head resting fitfully on the pillow of forgetfulness. None would sleep soundly were they aware that the Baobhan have returned.

Finding the world much changed, the Unseelie Sidhe and Satyrs of House Baobhan move slowly and with caution, taking pains to remain undetected with a cunning borne of necessity. Their ghoulish feeding habits demand no less.

By turns cold-blooded and predatory, or hot-blooded and sexual, the Baobhan-Sidhe and Glaistig are equals in this noble House, a fact those unaware of their origins often find surprising. Lady Baobhan and the great Satyr troubadour Glaistig, were the greatest of lovers in an age of romance, their blood boiling with such fiery passion that many rumoured it would consume them. Nothing mattered save their lust, and they harboured dark longings. Conspiring to prove their utter devotion, they hatched a plan of vile wickedness. Arranging a great gathering of their detractors "in the interests of putting the past behind us," they slew them all cruelly at a vast poisoned feast, and painted themselves red, bathing in the crimson flow. This deed, this terrible legacy, saw them and their lineage cursed, and the Dreaming's retribution was both horrific and ironic. Thereafter, blood would rule their lives.

One might be forgiven for assuming the Baobhan have strong Reformer or Modernist tendencies, but sadly this is far from true. While the Glaistig are equals in this most cursed of Houses, other commoners are mere servitors, favoured pets and useful tools. The Baobhan have found this modern, alien world both dangerous and alluring. Banality is bane, as among all Sidhe, and Mankind could bring some truly fearful powers to bear should the fae be discovered. However, disillusionment is rife, and bestows many ripe fruits. Blood-dolls and gothics, lost in the fool's fantasy of romantic death, nihilism and vampirism, are only too eager for a vampire's embrace. The charismatic Baobhan and Glaistig find them pleasantly malleable, and attract cliques of fanatical followers. Cults can grow, with the desperate falling prey to enchantment. It is pitifully easy to convince them of their new-found 'immortality' when you have the power of Glamour, and access to a freehold. These nobles can then sate their darkest appetites in the frenzied orgies of rutting and blood-letting in which their cults indulge. Even the Glaistig can reap their own 'crop', for many have come to see the goat-horned fiends as avatars of Lucifer, the Goat of Mendes, and fanatics pay homage to power.

Skilled in stealth, concealment and manipulation, the Sidhe and satyrs of House Baobhan are not easily distinguished from others of their kith, save for their small fangs.

The blazon of House Baobhan is gules, a goat rampant sable, maintaining a droplet or (A black goat rearing, clutching a gold droplet, against a red field).


The Baobhan-Sidhe and Glaistig find it especially easy to Ravage those they feed from. They don't have to establish a relationship for this, and gain an extra success. They also have the Ravaging Threshold: Blood Drinker.

Blood Drinker: The character thrives on the warm flow of fresh blood, draining their victim and luxuriating in the experience. They care nothing for the pain it may cause, and rip the Glamour from their victim's lifeblood.


The Baobhan-Sidhe and Glaistig are vampires, unable to draw nourishment from anything except the blood of Man or Changeling. Chimerical and animal blood are hollow, useless for quenching their perpetual thirst. They must drink at least 1 Health Level of fresh blood every 24hrs, or lose a Health Level, and suffer a cumulative +1 difficulty penalty on all rolls (including Willpower. See below) due to pain, for every 24hrs they abstain. In addition, when they drink from a victim, they must make a Willpower rolls (diff. 6) or they will attempt to drain the victim dry, killing them in the process. This provides no extra benefit, and they can't glut in order to stave off the thirst for longer periods.

The Glaistig

The Glaistig, the vampiric Unseelie Satyrs of this House, are subject to both the Boon and Flaw, just as the Sidhe are. Also, as newcomers to this Banal world, they suffer with the Banality's Curse Frailty, just like Sidhe. Off-setting this penalty some-what are the Glaistig good looks. They add + 1 Appearance (but not above 5).