Anna's Heart 2

His Greatness

Mere words can not describe the beauty I see
As I look to the One who loved and saved me

As I draw closer to gaze upon and behold
My vision becomes clearer as things unfold

When i look to the heavens they tell me a story
And show me a beautiful picture of God's glory

When I look around in the earth and see
All the handiwork that came from Thee

When i think upon your Divine work and being
I am in Awe of what my eyes are seeing ~~


Yes And Amen, Unto Us

By faith we will come to understand
That all things are held in God's hand

He will give us dreams and expectation
For we are a part of His eternal creation

He will give us grace in our time of need
And bring increase to our planted seed

He will give us joy and peace in believing
So that our joy may be full in receiving

We bring Him joy because in Him we trust
All His promises are yes and amen unto us~


Two Fountains

There are two fountains from where wisdom flows
Human wisdom which leads to stress and woes

Or Spiritual wisdom that comes from above
Sent down to comfort and lead us by love

Human wisdom comes from the carnal mind
It is a form of control that isn't gentle or kind

Deceived and captured held in this place
Not giving the soul hope not even a trace

Spiritual wisdom gives us a choice you see
Saying, come drink from me and be set free

The mind is a real war and battle ground
The Spirit fights for the soul that is bound

Human wisdom keeps us bound at any length
Spiritual wisdom gives us joy for our strength

Two fountains to drink from are open today
One is free and the other you must pay~


The Word Of God

The Word of God sent down here to me and you
Has been tried and found trustworthy and true

Inspired by the Holy Spirit words for the men to write
So we could stand strong in the power of His might

The word of God is power from on high to receive
It will set a captive soul free if they can only believe

The Word of God is the Spirit of truth and is our sword
That we use to destroy the lie for the Word is the Lord

Our enemy is skilled in trickery he is the great deceiver
He prowls about for souls and he wants to stop the believer

He wants to stop those having the testimony of our Lord
But we have been given His word the doubled edge sword

Keep your shield of faith up and use what He gave
Be a good soldier and fight for souls He died to save~


One True God

The One true God is living and He is a spiritual being
He is all wise all powerful and all knowing and seeing

He is Just and Holy and Perfect through and through
He is more than able for there is nothing He can't do

God is the Father the creator of the whole universe
By the power of His word things exist and disperse

He manifested Himself as the Son so we could see
His great love and compassion He has for you and me

He is meek long-suffering loving and gentle and kind
Reconciling us back to the Father with peace of mind

The source of all we need is found in God's Son
He came to do the Father's will and it will be done

Here on earth as it is heaven He taught us to pray
He came as the light the truth and He is the way ~


Our Helper

We have a helper in this world and He is a true friend
He sticks closer than a brother all the way to the end

He does not push or shove but is patient and kind
He came to us to give us comfort and peace of mind

He works down in the depth of our being every day
Shining light in darkness to show us the right way

He satisfies the hunger and fills the longing soul
Lifting us up by love and making us every bit whole

He enables us to receive the truth that will set us free
He is God's Holy Spirit He has offered to you and me ~


A Greater Vision

Through the trials in life we'll find God's grace
It is in our weakness that we seek His face

Our trials come to bring an end to self you see
Showing us weak and the need to trust in Thee

In our weaknesses you will show us who your are
With your Spirit in us we don't have to look far

We are weak in strength so we call your name
You bring faith and courage glowing like a flame

Bringing me to this place where I can plainly see
That this life I now live is Christ who lives in me ~


Sufferings Has It's Reward

Faith comes from God and has been given to us
We will be defeated if we do not learn how to trust

When the odds are great against us and we fear
We must remember God is not far from us but near

We must stop looking at the greater odds to see
But look to Jesus who can calm the raging sea

When i think of Job sufferings and all he went through
He saw Almighty God that he thought he already knew

He said he heard about God by the hearing of His ear
His eyes of understanding opened when God was near

Through Job's sufferings he came to the secret place
Where him and the most High God met face to face~


Fashioned By His Hand

The Creator of good and the beauty I see
His handiwork speaks to the heart of me

When i think of a place void and without form
And then His Spirit moved upon it to transform

It was covered with water and dark as night
Then He spoke and said "Let there be light"

Then dividing darkness and light into night and day
He made the heavens and placed the waters to stay

The waters were the seas dry land was the earth
And they brought forth things that they could birth

God formed man and gave him the image of Him
Male and female He created the both of them

God gave man dominion over every living thing
Blessing them and to Him our praises we bring

Life is a miracle and is as precious as a gem
Something void was turned into beauty by Him~


His Work In Us

Our life in Christ Jesus is a living flame
Walking worthy and blessing His name

Being fruitful in good works done by Him
When we trust and rest He works within

Trusting His word forms Him in you and me
He will work His work and do it completely

Our life is in His hand to make and mold
He will shape us into beauty to behold

A lump of clay turned into fine china we'll see
When He has finished His work in you and me ~


Awe And Wonder

The heavens are magnificent in glory
The earth is full of your handiwork
The Bible shows your many promises
Written to us in your Holy book

Laughter is delightful to hear
A baby is adorable to see
But nothing can compare
To the hope that lives in me

The sky is your beautiful design
Full of color or dark and gray
The rainbow is a sign of a covenant
But mercy and love is here to stay

Life is a miracle full of wonder
Thoughts are like time and space
Searching high and low endlessly
Just to get a glimpse of your face

Faith is strong and is our strength
Joy is unspeakable and overflows
But two hearts that become one
That feeling only heaven knows~


The Gift of Love

Blessed God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Who freely gave us Your precious Son without price

Your plan made before creation way back then
How He would come to deliver and save fallen men

You have given us a lively hope in the death of His Son
Now much more we shall live because what He has done

Oh, this is the greatest love story that will ever be told
We can read The Holy book and see the truth unfold

How He gave Himself to reconcile us back the Father
It is by and through only Jesus for there is no other

The soul that was empty and void longing to be filled
Can now have Your Spirit for Your plan was fulfilled~~


Times In Life

Just one moment changes things by a smile
Hugs and smiles are free and very worthwhile

Life can be complex with pleasure and pain
Failures and achievements sunshine and rain

Periods of progress and then times of trial
Learning patience and trusting as a child

Responsibilities that leads to much sorrow
But causes one hope for a better tomorrow

Many mistakes are made that can not be undone
But hold to the promise of forgiveness in the Son~


The Higher View Of Things

What the mind thinks or the eye may see
What the heart feels or tries to tell to me

Are things temporary for this time and place
But there are higher things to see and taste

There is a higher view of things to be shared
Eye hasn't seen nor ear heard what's prepared

He will reveal them to those who love Him and trust
By His Spirit we can see the things prepared for us

The higher view hinges on faith so one can see
Walk by faith not by sight to see what shall be~


Patience Is A Virtue

In patience there is real abiding love
Expressing God's character above

Patience is comfort for the weary soul
Providing healing to make us whole

Patience is persistence in us going on
So we won't give up until the work is done

The power of patience we can use today
In the opportunities that come our way

Let patience have her perfect way in you
Be lacking nothing through and through ~


The Light Of Life

Trusting God's Word makes one stable
Keeping us firm footed ready and able

Abiding in Him is the way and reason
We can bear fruit in time and season

Such beauty is long lasting and will stay
Kinda like leaves that never wither away

The word will prosper where it may go
Setting free and triumphing over the foe

The Word made flesh so all may know and see
The light of the world shining for you and me ~

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Victory Comes When We Trust

Suffering for Jesus brings honor not shame
Doing His purpose for His worthy name

The test and trials are not strange you see
Others have walked there before you and me

Glorify God in the midst of our adversity today
The people from old encourage us in the way

We see strength came out from their pain
By depending on God trust was their gain

They trusted Him and were not ashamed
Victory came by promises they claimed

In our weakness God's glory is revealed
By His power and strength we are healed ~


Determined To Reach The Goal

Determination will take us where we are to go
There is a goal set before us for this we know

Wisdom's delight to give us insight and teach
What lies ahead and the place we must reach

The race we are running in and the length to go
How to gain strength and the way she will show

She teaches the power of determination is the way
Don't look back you will need your strength for today

Keep your eyes on the prize and make it to the goal
And come to Jesus He will give you rest for your soul ~


The Glory In Your Presence

When I look to the stars or the sea
At a beautiful flower or grass or a tree

Or at the colors and clouds in the sky
Rivers or the mountain standing so high

The constant reminders of who you are
Proclaim your glory near and from afar

You are above all and that is crystal clear
But you came down here to us to be near

Your presence is like a strong protecting arm
Wrapped around us keeping us from all harm

Your love is stronger than death and lifts us up
You fill us with living water as we lift up our cup ~


When The Lie Meets The Truth

Our negative thinking leads us with words to say
False feelings like a spoiled child wants their way

We do not give in to thoughts on how we feel
And speak negative or with angry words to kill

The right knowledge will produce what is good
Positive thinking so we can speak as we should

Words of truth are real treasures with a seal
Words of promise bound to comfort and heal

Casting down wrong thoughts into their place
When the lie comes to the truth face to face!


The Day Of Salvation

The day of salvation is the day I rejoice in
When Jesus laid down His life for our sin

He found a way to set our captive souls free
We were bound and he rescued you and me

Sin had taken us way down and held us there
To a dark place of pain that was hard to bare

With no hope from this world of the dead
Guilty as charged as your Word has said

We all had sinned and we were vile as could be
God's love and light came to save you and me

The gates that were shut tight opened wide
Love lifted us up and gave us a place to abide~


Jesus Love You

No matter where you are just look ahead
Do not look back just look to Him instead

No matter things you may have to endure
Just cling to the promises that are sure

No matter how you feel or things you see
Trust in Him there is hope for you and me

No matter the odds that are against you
Keep the faith it will pull you safely through

No mater how much you have to go through
Just remember how much Jesus loves you ~


Jesus The Bright And Morning Star

In the dawning of the morning the dark fades away
The sunlight shines and it begins to be a new day

Another day comes to bring new hope to the earth
Giving time for more wisdom and knowledge to birth

The beauty of the sunrise can take your breath away
Providing the brightest of light for the new given day

Jesus from on high came down to be the dayspring
As He gets brighter and brighter our hearts will sing

The Son has risen so the night can't overtake the day
He is shinning ever so bright for us leading the way ~


Room To Learn And Know

Life has been given so God we can know
A great and wonderful God who loves us so

With all life's problem sometimes it's hard to see
Just how much He loves and cares for you and me

He allows us to learn and feel heartache and pain
He will comfort us if we would just call on His name

While we are growing we will stumble and we will fall
But He will come running to His child when they call

He lets us to make our decisions and will help if we ask
And He will give us strength and courage for each task

He is our forever friend who will never leave our side
Giving us room to grow and change and in Him abide

When all is said and done we will come to understand
We were being molded and made by His loving hand~


We Shall Be Changed

God's love is a treasure that should be pondered
And not treated as cheap and could be squandered

Love is great and is the very expression of His being
And is beauty and power that will change us in seeing

It is in beholding Him as He is that we shall be like Him
We can not see what we will be for now our vision is dim

What a marvelous impact to the spirit and soul of man
To see God's love is like a touch from the masters hand

We will be changed and made new in a moment of time
In a twinkling of an eye made completely utter sublime~


God Rewards The Seeker

We need a purpose in our life for a good reason
To push us through each day month and season

Faith in God will place us on the path that is right
For those who seek Him are precious in His sight

God gives us purpose to seek His will and way
To bring back all those who have gone astray

There is great treasure to be found at the end
This purpose will lead to God being our friend

Serve the purpose with respect and fear for Him
He shares the secret of His covenant with them ~


The Kings Highway

There is a path that the hearts cry to know
It is the way to God that only He can show

In prayer David lifted up his most inner being
His soul cried that he trusted the Lord for seeing

Teach me your paths lead me in thy truth, teach me
Confessing his sins and depending on God's mercy

Then the deserted wilderness place blooms like a rose
Like a lame man leaping and to blinded eyes He shows

Unstopping the deaf ear and causes the dumb to sing
About the Kings highway and the everlasting joy it brings~


Happy Valentines Day

Raise up your thoughts to heavenly things
Let Him bare you upward on eagles wings

Lift up your voice to Him and lift up your hands
Seek His face to know His thoughts and plans

Let Him fill you with visions and desires to fulfill
Forsake your own dreams and accomplish His will

May our desire be to work and labor in love
Giving back our heart to the One who is above

Love sets its own desires aside for others sake
Let's love in action and give instead of just take

Let love lead the way that others may see
Jesus alive and well living in you and in me ~


Being Prepared

If you are feeling abandon in some way
Broken fellowship comes if we go astray

A place of loneliness is the place we are sent
To feel sorrow so we can have time to repent

Or we could be in this place for testing you see
To refine our faith so that we can grow up and be

Mature children who walk by faith and not by sight
Who have been prepared to know wrong from right

In this place we seek wisdom and understanding
To take us to our rightfully place of right standing~>p> Gentlecourtesy


Things good and lovely have their own way
Like the birds singing ushering in a new day

Or like the flowers fluttering in the gentle breeze
Or the leaves blowing and falling from the trees

Or like the million stars that twinkle in the night
Or the strength of the sun shining ever so bright

Or like the waves on the ocean that rise and roar
Or the strength of the eagle flying up high to soar

Or like the high mountains and valleys and hills
Or the river that constantly flows but never fills

Life's pleasure that fills the mind with thought
Of the great wealth that nature has brought ~


Remember Who You Are

By our faith God is able to make us stand
He can make water flow up in parched land

So don't complain if you are treading dry sand
Just praise Him for works of His mighty hand

Reach forth your hand in faith and watch and see
Hold faith for wells springing up for you and me

Stir that gift that He has instilled in us all
Mustard seed faith so great but yet so small

God can move and change things for us today
Let's keep the faith so that we can surely say

God is true and faithful to His word you see
He would move heaven and earth if need be

To keep His promises made to you and me
Remember you are children of faith His seed~


God's Hand

Going back through time i see a heart of fear
I had no idea then that you were always near

Many unpleasant things happened along the way
Like walking with a dark cloud hovering over the day

Days were uncertain and my future was not sure
Feeling reduced by things concealed and obscure

I questioned, I cried "Lord, I don't understand "
I need you in my life I need your helping hand

But when I think back as far back as i can now see
God's outstretched hand was always there for me

Although way back then I was really truly blind
Now I can trace His helping hand and this I find

It was His Divine working and purpose in saving me
Giving me faith until my salvation became a reality~


God Of All Comfort

As I sit in the stillness my thoughts drift far away
Thinking on the ones who hurt in this world today

Even the innocent are touched and called names
Victims whose sufferings are like burning flames

Overwhelming pain goes through the heart to the bone
Sorrow and woes leaves a person broken and alone

Then I'm reminded nothing is wasted not even a tear
There is comforted and healing for all as we draw near

God's Comfort will turn pain into a wonderful smile
Just like a mother when she comforts her little child

There is hope for the helpless and healing for the soul
It's in you Jesus we will be made completely whole~


Anna's Heart 3
Anna's Heart Table of Contents
Heavenly Poems
Eaglewings Testimonies