
Praise the Lord Bruiser received the Lord !! No words to describe the joy in my heart and the Praises sung over and over to the Lord for His great Love, His great Mercy shown to this child of His. My heart is singing, my soul filled to the brim with all God IS.

Bruiser called asking if I could come see him, said he really needed me to come. I did not hesitate to go to him because never has he ever asked anything of me for himself. I just knew it was important to go.

Last week when sharing with Bruiser, we had talked about the consequences of our sins, the need and importance to ask forgiveness for each one we remember and those we forget to. The Holy Spirit was convicting Bruiser big time, and Bruiser really was feeling that conviction. I left him last week encouraging him to spend time alone at home in prayer, and also told him to try fasting for a day while praying.... and promised I would keep him in prayer as well.

When at Victoria's, I did call Bruiser two times to encourage and share with him. a prayed with Bruiser over the phone. Victoria too opening her heart to him. That was God's doing... did not realize it at the time, but God's plan for Bruiser was in motion. Bruiser shared with me a long time, we prayed together a long time... then the phone rang... it was Victoria! She told Bruiser the Lord brought her out of a "Baby shower" party, told her to call him. Said at first she set thoughts of Bruiser aside figuring she would call him later... but a second time the Lord told her to call, Victoria said the second time she heard the Lord's voice she knew she better listen...... so she called.

Making a long story short....little over two hours later Victoria and her Pastor arrived at Bruiser's home. Bruiser and the Pastor spoke privately a long time.... when they came out to Victoria and me (Heather), Pastor led Bruiser to the Lord with the two of us witnessing God's miracle. It was Awesome!

Oh Dad, God's presence was felt strongly by all of us, each one of us almost faint with a Joy so beautiful, a Peace that filled us totally. So many joyful tears shed by all. When Bruiser was asking forgiveness of the Lord, I too was silently asking the same forgiveness for my sins too, and my heart was cleansed once again. Even writing these words to you brings happy tears falling down my face, because celebrating a new life in the Lord of another does bring the Lord's Joy complete in us. Thank you Lord for Bruiser's salvation, for the new life he now has in You!

The other side of the coin in Bruiser's new freedom is a sad knowledge to me, but a sweet sadness if I can see it this way. Pastor Greenwell took Bruiser home with him tonight. On Monday the two of them will go the police station in the town where Bruiser committed an offense against another, and see what follows after. It was Bruiser's decision to do this....he says it's what the Lord wants him to do. I have never seen this friend of mine so much at peace with himself, his face so void of those deep lines, eyes so clear, whole body standing tall and straight. Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!!!!!!!

Want to tell you I have not ever been so proud of any other as I was with Bruiser turning himself in. He had no regrets, only wanting to please our God by doing what he said God told him to do. Bruiser told me he is not the same man today that he was when he committed that terrible sin. Said if he had only known the Lord sooner he would have turned himself in years ago. Oh the peace I see in this child of God today is the most beautiful thing to see. He laughs from deep inside now, and his eyes tell the whole story Dad, he is FREE!

I see Bruiser doing wonderful things for the Lord in the place he is going, and I know God will go before him every step of the way. Praise God for Bruiser's Salvation, for setting him free !! Bruiser will have loving support from many out here in the world who will not forget him. I am very glad knowing this, and I will not forget him either. He is my friend, was my protector a long time, and I was always safe with him. After his Salvation, Bruiser came to me and asked me, " do you think bad of me Heather?" Nooooo, I think you are a wonderful loving person who is now my beloved brother in the Lord. :) He was happy.... so was I , happy our paths crossed, happy for the times we shared together, the little talks we had, meals shared together... he was my gift from the Lord and I love him.

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