Testimony of Josie, in China

Here's a recent note from our little Chinese girl, Josie, the one we have worked with since 1996; She has had her ups and downs, but Jesus has never left her!; and she has not left Him!

Thanks for your sharing, here are some of my recognitions: He is the greatest savior and the greatest lord of compassion. He is the way, the truth and the life. He established the New Testament, namely, the new covenant with us, which is sealed with his blood, which set us eventually free from devils and sins, which usually entangles us and traps us. Through Him, we are able to reestablish ourselves in our original glorious state. Yet he makes no excuses for our sins, which deletes the usual self-deception of humans. He sets an example for our living and for us to follow: He is God but he humbled himself and COME TO US in our state and BE WITH US and REVEALED HIMSELF TO US. He did not condemn the sinners but DIED FOR THE SINNERS in order to set them free from the death and condemnation. For this He was RAISED again to life and now He LIVES IN THE MAN'S HEART. For this reason he established and made our faith possible. That's why people came and went, only the people who modeled their lives after Jesus did things amazing. They gave their lives for the poor and the needy and the sinners. From their deeds we recognize their God and their Lord and savior. Many lives have been lived. Yet these lives surpass them all in honor and glory. Just like Jesus now sits at the right hand of God for what he has accomplished. Thus is my Lord and thus will I model my life after Him. Please remind me if in the future I seem to forget and encourage me if I ever waver. For this is truly worthy and I am willing, for before I was a sinner and He redeemed me, the amazing grace has overshadowed me. Thus I am willing to live for and to Him. For I am a human and my race are all fallen. The great compassion and charity and love He showed to my race has conquered me, my heart responds to his calling and here I come. That's why we should all give our thanks and praises to Him. Please share with me about your fellowship with Him from time to time. Let's encourage each other. very lucky to meet you share my life and thoughts with you.

Love, Josie

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