

I will always remember the day I met Heather. I was at the lowest point in my life living out of dumpsters and garbage cans. I was thrown out of my home from an abusive husband with just the clothes on my back, never allowed to see my children again. I had no where to go but the street. Those first months out on the streets was like walking into a snake pit, nothing but chaos and the fight to survive on a daily basis. When Heather entered into the small space my life was I had been living on the streets almost 13 years, was a very sick alcoholic and at a crossroads. Saw it all on the streets, thieves dividing up thier spoils, prostitution in every form, drug deals gone bad, dead bodies OD being hauled away, gangs killing one another over the space of one block, groups of teen runaways getting all crazy on drugs, and teen runaways being raped and beaten for hiding out for the night in areas they knew nothing about, and it was a common sight to see very young kids selling themselves for the price of a fix.

That first year on the street I would turn my head and run when I saw these things going on around me, it bothered me and made me sick. But a year later my eyes saw all these things but none of it registered in my heart anymore, my soul was dying or might have been dead, whatever it was I no longer saw or heard the bad things going on around me and I had no fear of being raped or murdered, I did not care if I was dead, figured it would save me the trouble of taking my own life which was constantly on my mind when I met Heather.

Oh Gary, you said in your letter you prayed Heather was in Gods will. Yes yes yes! For I know God moves continually in that girl. Her love and compassion for people? Never knew anyone like her. I was very sick and so cold one day that I found a bathroom to stay warm in. I was sitting on the floor a filthy stinking mess. I had vomit on my clothing, in my hair etc, and was too sick to take care of it. I wanted to die, was so tired of life.

And there comes our Heather, like an angel in the night out of nowhere.

She bent down to me asking if I was okay. Nodded my head yes. She put her hand against my cheek telling me I was very hot and needed to be in bed. Asked if she could help me home. lol home? I was home. She got wet paper towels wiping my face with them. Gary, I broke into tears crying the first tears in 13 years. They were not tears from being sick, they were tears being touched so gently by this girl who really was concerned for me. It had been so long since anyone cared, so long since I had been touched by anyone, and the sweet pain of it hurt so much. Heather sat down on that dirty floor pulled me to her chest wrapping her arms around me while I cried whispering in my ear that God was there loving me, that everything was going to be okay.

She lifted me from the floor and I only half remember the trip to her house. I was out of it for days but I remember when I would wake up now and then, Heather would be there giving me water, tucking blankets in, fluffing up the pillow. I never felt so safe, so loved, so glad to be alive.

While I was getting my strength back I would lay on the couch in the living room and listen to the Bible studies. First discussion I heard was on John 3: 16 and I remember how that verse hit me hard in my heart. It gave me hope and I needed that a lot. I gave my life to the Lord and writing these words to you now is the first time I have shared the bad of my life, but the past is not what I live today, its today and all the tomorrows I will live if God gives them to me.

Lol, guess you can tell I love Heather. I do, very much and know you love her to. Like Heather told me when I met her, everything is going to be okay, and it will if we believe what God tells us.



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Eaglewings Testimonies
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