Romans 14

Leave them Be

Rom 14:1 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

He that is lacking in power and not assured of the truth, receive, but not with disputings and judging. He should respect the order of the service.

Rom 14:2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
Rom 14:3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

God has received the weaker brother, shall we judge him and cast him out? Not all are on the same level of Spiritual growth and understanding. Remember it is by God's grace we all stand. So lets not be picky about things that really don't matter. Some churches make all sorts of little rules, putting the members under bondage. If you like this, so be it, if not? You are free to find another.

One denomination has strict rules about not eating meats, nor drinking liquids with a meal. They seem healthy, and peculiar. Let each follow their own conscience about these lesser things.

Rom 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

Remember they serve God and are accountable to him. If they are not under your authority, let God lead them. We must not interfere between God and another's walk with him. We each are different, God knows what is best for each called person. If there is something that does not belong, God will guide in truth from the Spirit and the word. Many are called in unity, but not in conformity to unimportant things. Allow another freedom to grow and to understand God's ways. One of the problems in Christian chatrooms is the forcing of minor beliefs on another; things that are not central to the faith, the basic doctrines. Let God be the judge and keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.

Keeping Days

Rom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

For the Gentile Christian the question of keeping the Saturday Sabbath often arises. Many point to the resurrection, on a Sunday and say this is the day to keep. Others point out that the early church offerings were gathered on the first day of the week. Some refer to every day as a day of rest because Jesus is our rest, and we are in him every day. Still others insist it is a part of the Ten Commandments, and should be kept. The law and covenants were originally for the Jewish people, if I were a Jew by the flesh, I might well keep the Sabbath. Let every man be persuaded in his own mind.

Rom 14:6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

Let all that we do be unto the Lord.

Rom 14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.

Many act as if they are self made and accountable to no one. A poem often quoted includes the message, "I am the captain of my soul," but really am I? We make choices, but the soul belongs to God who created it. Our choices affect others, each has an affect on another in a good or bad way. Wherever we go we make an impression, so let's make a good one.

Rom 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
Rom 14:9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.

We are bought with a price.

1 Cor 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

1 Cor 7:23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.

We are not to serve men in disobedience to our Gods commands, but all are called to serve as our Lord served.

2 Cor 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
2 Cor 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
2 Cor 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
2 Cor 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Let every man do what is right, in the direction of God's Spirit. His Spirit always honors the Bible and our Lord Jesus Christ and so should we.

Stumbling Block

Rom 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

2 Cor 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

The judgment seat of Christ is for believers. Here we will receive our rewards, for what we have done in our body. Yes, we are to do the works of Christ while it is day.

Rom 14:11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
Rom 14:12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Rom 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

How might a believer be a stumbing block to another? One way is through false words, but here we are talking of works. If our works do not bring glory to God we could cause another to stumble. Do we sin in rebellion? Do we indulge in harmful behavior? Are we harming another? Here, the problem was eating meat sacrificed to idols.

1 Cor 8:9 But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.
1 Cor 8:10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols;
1 Cor 8:11 And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died?
1 Cor 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.
1 Cor 8:13 Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

Let's apply this another way. Suppose we have greater knowledge and understanding of something. Do we use our knowledge to destroy another? Knowledge in itself may not be harmful, but the uncaring use of the knowledge can be a stumblingblock to another.

We can trust Jesus, even if others have failed us. Let us not be a stumblingblock to another through malice or lack of caring.

If innocent do not be offended by another calling you a stumblingblock, the Jews stumbled on Jesus their Messiah.

Rom 9:33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

1 Pet 2:7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,
1 Pet 2:8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

If people stumble over Jesus, they will be offended at his witnesses. Just be sensitive in His Spirit and you will not cause the innocent to stumble. The wicked have already fallen.

Kingdom of God

Rom 14:14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.
Rom 14:15 But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.
Rom 14:16 Let not then your good be evil spoken of:

We avoid things that cause another to be tempted or to fall. Have you examples?

Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

The Kingdom of God is of good, good works of God's righteousness in you, his peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Mat 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Heaven has come down to us, it came in the form of the man Jesus Christ, the son of God. The righteousness of God is in him. We are in Christ Jesus and his spirit dwells in us. We are the kingdom people, the people of God, to show the goodness of God to a lost and dying people.

Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Eph 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Eph 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Eph 4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Satan came to steal, kill and destroy, he is a liar and the truth does not abide in him. The kingdom of God is of love and truth and worship in the spirit of God. We must be sure to be as children of the King in our behavior.

Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Not of Faith

Rom 14:18 For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

In righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Rom 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

1 Cor 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
1 Cor 10:24 Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.

Rom 14:20 For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.
Rom 14:21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.
Rom 14:22 Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
Rom 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Here is a good way to know if you sin; whatever is not of faith is sin. If in doubt about something, don't do it.

1 Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Th 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.


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