
Am thinking time passes quickly until hearts expections
come too big.. then like snail, time crawls so slow.
Circumstances in life could/do  alter rapidly, sometimes to
leave us a bit disoriented, little confused. Life holds many
transitions for all... I think now of all encountered in life,
and know God picked me up and kept me so safe in Him.

In meditation I come to relize most of life we are in state
of transition, just we think not of it til transition comes large
to shake life we live... lives some create for self.

Greatest changes in life come in matters of heart, family,
moving us from place of comfort and safety, feet come hard
to stand still... long to run every which way to find good
hiding place from shaky unrest in soul... it is in God's
written word we find a way and means to cope with life
ever changing. All in life we live comes good or bad of
choices we make. I ask many questions of self when trouble
comes into heart, always answer I give, return soul of me
back where it is safe in the Lord. HE is our ROCK!

Do we serve God...or Satan?
Do we put self first... or others?
Do we live in day we are in... or run ahead to days not
come yet?
Do we cling to sadness, sorrow, resentment, anger, envy
worry, hate, fear... or move ahead where Jesus leads?
Do we forgive... or hold tight to bitterness and hate?
Do we wrap blanket of self-pity, discouragement, round us,
or hope in our Lord and God?
Do we give love away.. or stay lonely?
Do we live in past life... or embrace today's gift of life?
Do we hold negative in mind... or fill mind with hope,
good thoughts, and the Word of God?
Do we use courage... or depend on another for strength?
Do we love self as God does... or live with no worth?

Today for short time I owned self-pity, drew from Satan's
well of fear and worry... he did not steal from me, I gave
these things to him because spirit eyes turned away from
my Lord, all peace ran from me.... I put self's needs before
need of another, wanted joy of the morrow with no care
another was struck with personal transition of life.
I ask forgiveness for to place self before another.. I am
repentant, I am forgiven.

All times we think before speaking or doing something,
we draw God's peace, contentment, to self. We live what
God says love is.  When hit with choice to make? and God's
way we choose? life we live is blessed and improved.
When choice does put focus on another and not self, we
see joy finds us again, not only the joy, but inner peace...
that peace that is of Christ Jesus.

Our Lord promised never to forsake us.. His word is unlike
word of man. God's word is steady, sure, dependable, true,
set in granite to last forevermore.
So often I find face is wet with tears before I even know
how deep heart was moved.. or how fearful I was, how
lonely, discouraged, uncertain.
Life as we know it, does not last evermore on earth, so we
embrace moments of life with passion, thanking the Lord
we live, have free will, are loved, and can love in return.

Our Lord lived through much transitions so cruel and
painful, yet each one lived shone like bright sun, the love
so freely He gave away.
When persecuted... He loved
When spit on... He loved
When beaten, tortured.... He loved
When abandoned, betrayed.... He loved
Our precious Jesus came into world as Love and died
yet being love.
Ever He taught and showed by perfect example... life is
living moments one by one as they come, ever leaning on
God when trials fall to us, making good choice, choice
to cause all to live as God would live, speak as God would
speak, do what He would do.

So close is coming back of the Lord.. transitions in life
shall dificult be. To remain faithful in mighty things, we need
to master art to make good choices that ever keep us near
to God.. keep us reflecting what love is.

I pray asking God that each of us live life moment to
moment, giving thanks and praise to our Lord forevermore.

Just pieces of thoughts coming and going... as transitions
in life come and go...


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