Chloe 2
Faith had taken to waiting out by the basketball courts after school. As usual Chloe would make her way out there after making some excuse to leave her friends. It was something that both girls had come to enjoy. It wasn't even really kissing.
A lot of times they just sat and talked. Rather Chloe talked and Faith just listened. She wasn't much of a talker unless it was necessary. The other girl respected that, it was one of those things that she liked about Faith. Today had been no exception, Chloe was seated on the asphalt next to Faith rambling on about having to draw a chair for two hours.
Faith just chuckled and tossed another pebble across the yard. Thinking to soothe the other girl's frustrations she leaned down and gave her a quick gentle kiss. Chloe smiled in to the kiss and returned it. It was at that moment that Helene decided to go spying on Chloe.
Disgust and horror washed over her face. Without a word she turned back the way she had come. The preps were still on the steps to the school idly chatting about nothing when Helene tore around the corner. They looked at her with disdain. It took her a few minutes to relay what she had seen but when she had they all found themselves running to the back of the school.
The clatter of feet startled Faith and Chloe out of their kiss. They pulled apart and looked up in to the faces of seven preps. Chloe recoiled at the looks thrown her way. Faith noticed her reaction but didn't say anything. Helene stood accusingly in front of the two girls and crossed her arms over her chest. "What the hell are you doing Chloe? She's a -girl- and a skank to boot!"
Chloe's head ducked down her hair covering her face. When she looked up her face was red with embarrassment. She stood slowly and took a few steps away from Faith. Her backpack slung over one shoulder she stuttered. "W-we weren't d-d-doing anything H-helene. We're just friends and were talking is all."
Faith's eyes hardened and she stood as well. With a glance to the group she walked away. Not once did she look over at Chloe who was shaking like a leaf. Chloe turned to watch Faith leave, she called out for her but the brunette kept on walking.
Once far enough away the slayerling turned her stride in to a run. Her legs pumped furiously beneath her taking her far and fast. Her body worked like a well oiled machine and it wasn't long before she was near Hembry Park. Faith slumped against a tree gasping for breath. Her sides heaved with the effort to breath and her heart pounded wildly.
She stayed there until night fell cloaking the park in a cool misty veil. Slowly she made her way home ever watchful for the things that go slurp in the night. Her chest hurt with something she wasn't sure she'd felt before. A part of her hadn't really expected Chloe to acknowledge their relationship. The other part of her wished she had.
In the weeks they had been spending together Faith had started thinking of Chloe differently. She'd hadn't realized her mistake until earlier. No matter how badly she wanted Chloe to be different from the preps she wasn't. In Faith's eyes she was no better then Helene. Worse even because she denied Faith to everyone even when they knew better.
A chill that had nothing to do with the night air settled over her. By morning the next day it hadn't dissipated. She hadn't gone to the yard to wait for Chloe. She went and hid to see if the other girl would come. Right on schedule she showed but Faith didn't make herself known. Chloe waited and waited then turned dejectedly toward home.
Helene and her hyena's were following Chloe and taunting her. Faith just watched keeping a safe distance from them. Once they were close enough to the girl's house Faith took off for the park. She'd already made up her mind not to return to the yard again.
It had been drizzling all day. Faith had been cooped up inside and she was getting restless. It irritated her to have to stay in one place for so long without something to do. Her mind was on other things and she couldn't just sit and stare at the TV either.
Grabbing her jacket from the hook on the wall she headed out the door. Faintly she heard Annie call out after her. She didn't answer because she didn't know where she was going or what she was gonna do. Faith wasn't too surprised to find herself standing by the basketball courts.
Her back was turned but she heard the sound of feet behind her. Honing her Slayer senses she recognized the faint smell of jasmine and knew it was Chloe. Part of her cursed at having to deal with the other girl but part of her knew that she wanted to see her again. "What?"
"I didn't think you'd show up...glad you ca..." Faith whirled around to face Chloe. Her eyes were cold and so dark they could have been black. Chloe winced at the sight but didn't leave. She stood her ground and waited for Faith to say something or do something.
"Glad I what? Showed up so you could make out with me then deny me to your friends? Ya know you're just like everyone else, I shoulda known better then to trust a prep." During her ramble she had taken a step closer and their faces just inches apart. Chloe could feel Faith's warm breath on her cheeks and suddenly got the feeling that it would be the last thing she felt if she didn't say or do the right thing.
She ducked her head down and was about to apologize when she felt rough hands on her arms. Her back hit the basketball pole hard enough to make her yelp. Faith pressed herself hard against Chloe and kissed her forcefully. "That what ya want Chloe? 'Cause if that's all ya wanted all ya had to do was ask. At least I wouldda known that you were playin' me from the start."
Chloe opened her mouth but no words came out. Even if she could say something she didn't know what it would be. Faith pulled back abruptly and glared. Despite her being able to ignore things that hurt she couldn't ignore this. She couldn't ignore Chloe.
"Faith..." It was so low it might have been a whisper. The slayer just looked up quietly. Chloe started to speak but Faith didn't hear her. The words were meaningless to her. Mid sentence Faith turned away and started her slow walk home. Chloe gave chase but was stopped by one look from Faith.
Chloe had never felt so alone in her entire life. Not that she was that old but just that she had never felt this way before. She found this one person who understood her and didn't even ask anything of her and she blew it. She lied about Faith and she lost her as a friend and as a girlfriend.
She watched the brunette leave and put her head down in shame. There wasn't anything that she could do about it now. Faith wouldn't ever trust her again. Chloe picked up her books and headed for home.