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Review - Entrapment

Con-nery Man

Couplings make the movies what they are today. But among the great couples like Jack and Rose, Ted and Mary, and Scarlett and, um, that guy, there have been a few false starts. But the most obvious is the Abnormal Pairing of Young and Old.

At first it was just a small germ, showing up in movies like Harold and Maude and Lolita. Then it became a virus, becoming more relevent in films like As Good As It Gets and Krippendorf's Tribe. Now it is an epidemic; Six Days Seven Nights, A Perfect Murder, and Message in a Bottle all displayed it. Now to join their sicko ranks comes Entrapment.

Don't get me wrong. It's a really great movie. The plot is superbly written, the actors well-cast, the technical aspects well done, the FX wonderfully detailed. It's the romance element that gets me down.

We start off fine. Sean Connery's 60-something-year-old Mac is well aware of Catherine Zeta-Jones's 20-something-year-old Gin's advances, but chooses to ignore them. I thought that this would be one step towards freedom from the Abnormal Paring. But then, slowly but surely, Mac began to succumb until the romance is there full-throttle. You just can't escape it any more than you can escape the foot of a 500-foot-tall dinosaur.

No one should be subjected to the kind of torture that the APYO subjects us to. It can ruin a perfectly good tale for all against severely age-retarded relationships (myself included).

Grade - B-

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