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Review - Life

Life, Interrupted

"Black people are funny."

This is a major misconception in Hollywood. Just because you fill a whole movie with "funny" black people like Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence and make them crack jokes doesn't mean a good movie will result. This is the tale of Life.

This film had good intentions. It started off all right, with some interesting situations and some semi-funny jokes. But then the monotony settled in. After all, it's the same setup over and over: black guy says something funny really fast and then leaves a really awkward "laugh space." As anyone learns in drama class, once you do something three times, it's dead. This movie kills it, digs the grave, puts it in the grave, buries it, and has a little funeral.

About halfway through the movie, it makes a time frame jump. Now Murphy and Lawrence are not only telling the same stale jokes, but they're doing it in a great deal of old age makeup. This makeup is not done well. It's caked on in about 16 layers and makes their faces about 5 inches larger. After you see the amazing makeup jobs on other movies (Shakespeare in Love comes to mind), you can't help but wonder, "Where'd they get these makeup-applying losers?" All I could do was sit and stare.

Black people aren't funny just because they're black. It's just pigmentation, folks. When the misconception is taken as far as it is in Life, it can be disasterous.

Grade - D+

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