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Review - Lost and Found

Shovel and Spade

Dogs in movies theese days are regularly abused. The prime example is obviously is obviously There's Something About Mary, where Puffy the dog gets electrocuted, drugged, and thrown out the window all in the span of about two hours. There was also In Dreams, where the dog was made into a psycho, and The Lost World, where the dog was eaten by a giant dinosaur.

Now comes Lost and Found, which is the most pet-abuse filled movie I've ever seen. The dog, Jack, is alternately thrown into a bathroom, the back of a car, and a clothes dryer throughout the course of the film. It's enough to make an animal activist cry.

The worst part is that there's really no reason for all this malice. The plot (or what there is of a plot) doesn't actually call for it. They're cheap laughs added at the last minute, and I hated them.

The plot of the movie was a bit lacking. It had loose ends that went nowhere, pointless twists, and was just plain stupid. It revolves around Dylan, played by David Spade, and his efforts to win a girl, save his restaurant, and rid himself of Jack all at the same time. There's also a little sub-plot with a ring that was just kind of idiodic and ended like a farce, where you're supposed to be laughing and embarrassed at the same time, but you just end up feeling used.

The only reason anyone should see this movie is David Spade. He is a comedy god, his small stature a joke in itself (and believe me, they use it well). I don't understand why the producers of Lost and Found though it necessary to put in all those cheesy, painful sight gags. After all, Spade could just stand there saying "mucus" for 45 minutes and it would be hilarious. I was entirely bored in Lost and Found until Spade sang the Neil Diamond song "Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show" at a party. One good thing like that can cure a world of wrongs.

In There's Something About Mary, Ted is a lovable, nerdy hero who accidentally causes harm to Puffy. In Lost and Found, however, Dylan is also a loveable, nerdy hero, but he causes harm to Jack intentionally. Call PETA and the MPAA, 'cuz this ain't right.

Grade - C+

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