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Review - The Matrix

Two Times the Charm

The biggest possible compliment to a movie is if I see it twice. After all, I'm a busy person with obligations to fufill (i.e. keeping you all informed). So if I can squeeze in a second viewing, it's got to give me a reason.

For example, I saw Analyze This twice. The reason was simple: it has Lisa Kudrow in it. I also saw Romy and Michele's High School Reunion twice for that same reason. Other movies I see twice are the award-winners; not the Oscar or the Globe winners, but any movie in my top three of the year. My top three of last year, for example (There's Something About Mary, Shakespeare in Love, and Life is Beautiful), were all seen twice by yours truly.

My latest repeat-viewing movie is The Matrix. The plot isn't as simple as most other repeat movies, so you would think that the only reason I saw it twice was because I didn't understand it the first time. Well, you're wrong. Not only did I understand it, but I savored it. If there was a religion called Matrixism, I'd join faster than you can say "Morpheus."

Here's as much of a synopsis as I'm willing to give: The Matrix stars Keanu Reeves as Neo, an ordinary dude who has no idea that the world he's living in is really the Matrix, a computer-simulated dream land for the people used by the machines, who rule the Earth, as a power source. Neo then gets pulled out of the Matrix by Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne), a guy who leads a rag-tag bunch of rebels. One of the rebels is Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss).

Morpheus believes that Neo is the Chosen One who will save society from the machines. But only Trinity knows for sure.

I would tell more, but it would give everything away. Just take my advice. See The Matrix. Heck, see it multiple times. You might even see me in the ticket line.

Grade - A

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