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Review - The Mummy

Dear Mummy...

Hey, it's Mother's Day, and you wanna take dear old mums to a flick. What better joke than taking her to see a movie called The Mummy, right? Sure, there are better and more appropriate things to take your mother to see on her special day, but if you're looking for a fun joke, this film's for you.

Right about now you might be thinking, "But I thought that The Mummy was an adventure-effects movie!" Well, sure, that's how it began. But all of this ended with the actual appearance of the mummy himself.

It starts off all right. The mummy is rather frightening, having no skin, no eyes, no nothing. He's just all bones, and that's creepy. But then he makes the mistake of killing a guy. What's wrong with killing a guy, you ask? Well, in this movie, plenty. See, when the mummy kills someone, he takes some of that person's skin and uses it himself. With the first guy, not only does he take his skin, but his eyes and tongue as well. The effect isn't gruesome. It's not even scary. In fact, it's downright comical.

As the mummy gains skin, it seems, he loses personality. When he's bones he seems to have a purpose, a goal. He's also kind of colorful, if that's possible. But as he becomes more and more human, his charm fades until he just becomes dull and drab, using his power to do everything, not even bothering to lift a finger for himself. By the end he's just lazy, and doesn't even make any attempts to save himself from destruction.

There's a sweeping romance sub-plot that makes the movie better, and the special effects are wonderful. Now if the movie would just decide whether it wants to be a comedy or an effects-laden adventure-romance, we'd all be so much better off.

So see The Mummy. Write mummy about it, even. Just don't mention her namesake.

Grade - B

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