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Review - South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

It's Super! Thanks For Asking!

I may have never seen a single episode of South Park, but I love the movie. Why? Well, there are several reasons. Not only are the jokes always right on, but the songs are catchy...

What? You didn't know that the South Park movie had songs? Well, it happens to have some of the smartest songs since the first Barenaked Ladies album. I haven't been able to get the likes of "What Would Brian Boitano Do?" and "Blame Canada" out of my head since I saw the film. That's always a good sign.

So am I endorsing the violence and profanity in this movie? Well, I guess I am. But if you saw this movie in the same way that I did, you'd understand...

It was a long day at the movies. I had just gotten out of a showing of Summer of Sam and was pretty bummed. That's one depressing movie, and I was really down. I knew that all I had to do was get through an hour and a half of animation and I was done for the night. South Park seemed like a no brainer.

Well, I was right. South Park isn't the next Clerks, that's for sure. But it is a wonderful social commentary. What other movie would find some way to fit in a Jar Jar Binks joke? What other movie would make Saddaim Hussein and Satan boyfriends in Hell? And what other movie would contain songs entitled "Uncle Fu**a" and "Kyle's Mom's a B**ch"? Even if these things bother or offend you, see the movie any way. Just to see Big Gay Al sing "I'm Super."

Grade - A

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