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Review - Sweet And Lowdown

Popping A Woody

Woody Allen films are so off the wall that one doesn't know whether to laugh or sit and stare. Generally the movie-going public opts for the latter, truly not getting it. On occasion a timid chuckle will creep through someone's lips, but that's not too often; generally, the theater is silent.

Same goes for Allen's latest, Sweet And Lowdown. It's a biopic about the jazz guitarist Emmet Ray, as played remarkably by an almost unrecognizable Sean Penn. It's an interesting story, and as wacky as most of Allen's work. One isn't sure what to say about it when it's over. The first three-fourths seems to make it out to be a throwaway movie (apart from the stunning Samantha Morton as Hattie the mute girlfriend), then slowly it becomes something gripping. The last five minutes or so are mesmerizing, as Penn takes his character to another level. It's stunning and beautiful, and makes the film worth recommending.

There are a lot of people who don't care for Allen's work, while others think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I waver somewhere in the middle- while I loved Mighty Aphrodite, I haven't found another Allen film to latch onto until now. Lowdown is filled with wonderful performances, just as Aphrodite (one of my personal favorite films of all time) was.

Another thing I loved about the film was a scene that has three endings. See the movie and you'll see- it's absolutely hilarious.

Grade - B

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