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Review -- Toy Story 2

A Toy's Life

People far and wide have been singing the praises of Toy Story 2. Believe me, I've heard them (although I wasn't really listening). I decided that I would have to see it for myself before I made any judgement calls. Good and bad reviews have been known to spoil movies for me. (For example, I read a semi-good review of Idle Hands and it made me all the more disappointed when I saw that stinkburger.)

So, tonight, I finally saw it. And what those folks were saying is right: it's a dern good movie. However, it's not without its flaws.

For example, it seems that parts of the story were written just to accomodate gags from the first film (i.e. Buzz's naivete, the aliens from the vending machine, etc.). When I finally figured out what the filmmakers' goal was by doing that, I was a little disappointed. The new stuff was wonderful, and it's a shame that they couldn't have just trusted their own imaginations.

But still, 'tis a great movie. The plot is just incredibly adorable...there's a particular scene that I have in mind set to the music of Sarah McLachlan that just made me want to cry. (See the movie, for cripes' sake, I'm not giving it away!) It was also a nice contrast to Dogma, which I had seen again a few hours before. A fairly strong contrast, but a nice welcome one.

I can't think of a single reason why you shouldn't see Toy Story 2. Well, okay, maybe one. Those dangnabbed screaming kids...would someone please shut them up? :o)

Grade - B+

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