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Review - The Whole Nine Yards

Shallow End

I liked The Whole Nine Yards. I did. The only thing is...there's not much to say about it.

Sure, it's a cute story, but too many elements of it have been done before. It's hilarious to see Matthew Perry fall over, but you're left thinking why did he fall over? How did his falling over advance the plot?

Okay, so maybe you don't think that. I didn't think it as I was watching the movie, certainly. However, when you sit back after the movie's over and take a good long look at it, you come up kind of empty. That's why there's not too much to say about the film in general. Hmmm...let's see if I can scrounge something up.

Amanda Peet! Man, is that girl funny. A little cutie too, with that scraggly hair and stuff. Um... yeah.

See what I mean? I just come up shallow. The whole movie, sooner or later, leaves you with a shallow feeling. It's good entertainment, for sure, but at the end of the day, it's really nothing special.

Grade - B-

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