Griffith Steelheart Buran is a Cataldi... 65% white siberian tiger, 25% white alaskan wolf, 6% dragon (transforming when pissed), 4% other (personality traits fox, otter, lion)


Steeleheart and his player's history, and a bit of more information about the two of them.


Griffith Steeleheart Buran, or Steeleheart, or Steele to any one that knows him, and his player are pretty much the same... the only real differences between the two of them is the fact that Steele has fur, a tail, a muzzle and more of tiger paws on his extremities. Not to mention the other obvious facts that Steele has things like a sheath, and due his inheritance from his mother's side of the family, a knot. Now there is a bit of a story behind that. His great grandmother on his mother's side, was a Alaskan white wolf morph. She fell in love with a Siberian Tiger Morph, the genes for the knot was passed onto his mother's mother and her brothers and sisters. It was passed onto his mother and therefore passed onto Steele. Although it had bypassed two generations, it had surfaced with Steele. Well enough about that. Steele's physical description is as follows. Steele stands just over seven feet tall and weighs about 280lbs. He is not total muscle, but more well toned, this is one kitty that can take care of himself. Steele is covered with white fur with black stripes, which in some lights turn a purple. Steele was born in FurryMuck Hospital years ago. He grew up in FurryMuck, and has spent most of his life here, except for the time that he had spent with the armed forces. His is 215 years old. He currently works as a installer for a local company that supplies SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems, these are the type of systems that run large office buildings' HVAC systems, security systems, and access systems. It allow him to do what he likes and to travel all over FurryMuck and into the reaches of space. Steele is the type of guy that can make almost anything out of anything... he has been called MacGyver at times. He knows a bit about most anything. He has worked in positions from a sanitary engineer to upper management, from a construction worker to a bail enforcement officer.


Steele and his player are so much one in the same that what Steele does on-line is most likely what Steele's player would do off-line. Steele's player is the pretty much the same, except that he is 6'0" about 180lbs, but is as muscular, but not fat... He has been considered cuddly, both Steele and his player have been labeled cuddle sluts, and they try to live up to it, they love to give hugs and love to cuddle with anyfur that wants one. Steele's player was born in the Bay Area of California on April 26, 1969, and has spent his entire life in the Bay Area..... Except short times out of the area, in places such as Oregon, and Arizona. He is a white gay male... well technically a bi-sexual male, who currently has a strong male-bias, although with the right fem, something may happen. He is interested in many things. Some of those things are (these come from Steele's wixxx on FurryMuck) anal, available, bi-sexual, bottom, clued-in, cuddling, curious, dominate, exhibitionist, forplay-fixed, inexperienced, magical, male-biased, mastering, nudity, open-minded, oral, painless, pet, plushophilia, private, roleplaying, romantic, small-bodied, submissive, switch, teasing, top, trainable, voyeur, zoophillia (although they have never actually done anything, they are kinda interested in it... They can't say that they don't like something if they haven't tried it, right?)


Both love to help others. They both get pleasure from giving pleasure. If they can do something to assist somefur out, they usually will. In the past they have built computer systems from miscellaneous parts and sent them to friends. Assisted a few with getting back on their feet when they find themselves without jobs, by sending what he could, or helping them by giving them a place to crash and the resources to assist them in finding a new job (for more information on this see the page on Furry Haven. -- Soon to be a reality -- hopefully... Only time will tell.) But they are more than willing to help wherever they can. They have assisted in conventions and making the youngest Furry Cons on the west coast to be one of the largest in the world, Further Confusion.


There is much more to both Steele and his player. Even though they are both a bit on the shy side, once you get past their thin shyness shell, you may find that you have a great friend. If there is anything that would like to know about them, please feel free to ask, they are more than willing to share most anything and everything about themselves. They are both much more comfortable in answering questions, than they are at just blabbing things out... they get kinda tongue tied (no pun intended) when it comes to talking about themselves, and breaking the ice.


Steeleheart and his player can be contacted in many ways... They can be found at FurryMuck most of the time, and on Tapestries. They can also be found e-mail at Please feel free to contact him, you may just find a new friend.




A simple discription of Griffith Steeleheart Buran


The one that stands before you is known commonly as Steeleheart, (or Steele to his friends). He is a decent looking Siberian White Anthro Tiger, white fur and black stripes groomed to purfection, his frame towers over you at slightly over seven feet. He has a patch of dark brown headfur that is pulled back into a ponytail. He is wearing his traditional blue jeans, leather vest and trademark boots, a trench coat is draped over his frame. In his left paw is a staff of an unknown dark wood, at the top of the staff is a crystal which has an unnatural glow radiating from it, you notice that in his right paw, which is held out before him pad side up, there seems to be a glowing ball of what you have no idea.


At this point you notice that there is a otherworldly glow to Steele himself. Around his waist is a belt that holds a set of knives, a few pouches that could contain anything and probably do, and a few other indescribable weapons. Steele has a natural pose that states that this is one little kitty that can take care of himself, but the gleam in his eyes tells you that he is a compassionate and caring fur. On his shoulder sits an bald eagle, his name is Quickstrike, Steele does not own Quickstrike. Nor does Quickstrike own Steele, they have something that surpasses friendship.




His dragon form

As you look upon him, you see a large anthro dragon. Standing eighteen feet tall and his tail adding another eight feet, he measures twenty-six feet from snout to tail tip. He is covered in scales. The scales are black as night, as you look at the scales you notice that they seem to absorb light, and they do. As your eyes gaze back to his muzzle, you notice that his lips are pulled back, his long teeth prominently showing in a hungry grin. As your gaze follows his form down you see his large arms and chest. You follow his arms down to his paws, his claws are extended and are tinged with what look to be blood. Electricity arcs between his fingers and clawtips. As your gaze continues its way down his underbelly, you notice it is well defined and very muscular. His legs are also very muscular, his thigh alone the thickness of the average fur. His tail, just as buff as the rest of him, twitching behind him. As you take in his form you can tell that this is one dragon that can very well take care of himself. Tiggon only appears when Steele gets really pissed off. Most of the time Steele can control him, but when he is loose, he is not one you want for an enemy, even his friends know well enough to stay away.