Furry Haven Shop On-line is dedicated to providing the furry community a product line that you would find at a ‘furry’ convention.  That is to say we will feature anything and everything furry, or anything relating to animals.  We are also in the process of becoming a distributor of furry comics, artwork, and other craft work which was opened partially by the retirement of Ed Zolina of Mailbox Books (we will miss the service and dedication that he put into furthering the advancement of furryness to the world at large, we salute you Ed.  We thank you.)

             A small portion of the proceeds from the sales of these products will help fund Furry Haven & Steeleheart’s Home for Wayward Furs, the balance of the proceeds will be completely donated to organizations that help animals, provide research (humane) to better our world, and to fund the activities of organizations like AAE (Anthropomorphic Arts & Education) in bringing furry culture to the public.

             If there are things that you would like to see here please feel free to e-mail me and I will see what I can do to get it added to the catalogue.

