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Here is the American DBZ theme in wav format
Goku: I can't believe how strong I am incredible training under 100 gravity has quadrupled my strength
Goku: hmm Darn Moths (sort of funny if you see it)
Krillin: Alright big guy watch the birdie Shoulder Flare!
Nappa: Yep it's not easy being a role model little punks looking up to you!
Krillin: Ya ready gohan? Lets turn up the heat
I'm not sure what this is but it sounds cool!
Krillin: Wow What powerful auros I can feel them it's overwhelmin man what are we going to do they're much more powerful than I imagined!
Krillin: Man Goku is late I guess We'll have to hold down the fort till he gets here.Gohan: He's coming, I mean you really know that for sure? Krillin: Yeah for sure Master Roshi talked to him the just the other day yep he's going to be here alright
Krillin: It's vegeta it's just gotta be don't you think?
Piccolo: hmm what now it looks like a 3rd power is coming it looks like there might be 1 more than we expected!
Piccolo basically figures out he's an alien but it's longer
Piccolo: we're not here to bow down to your demands we're here to fight!
Piccolo: Goku this time I'm going to finish yu off for good!(Can someone explain this one to me?!?!)
Vegita: Nappa I guess it's time to have a little fun with these guys hey better yet get those cyber men out there should be 6 left right now
Vegita: So we meet at last Piccolo: The pleasures mine!
Yajourobi: Money I don't really need but hotdogs mmmm...