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Scanner Frequencies for City Services - Utilities - Marine

City / County Services and Schools

Utility Companies / Repair Crews

Southern California Frequencies

They will be listed in different ways, I hope to

Alphabetize a list using CITY names

Numerical Listing Click Here




Police / CHP Ventura - Los Ang. County

42.400.....California Highway patrol.. Vent + LA County.

To ( 23 - 101 - 118 - 126 ) fwys

FIRE Ventura County

154.010 Fire Dispatch Vent + LA County.

Untill I get more here you CLICK HERE to goto my Scanned Copy of my frequency list...(1993)but most still active/same.

Here are some of my Favorite links

Southern California Scanner Frequencies can be found by clicking here.

Individual Angel Hangers Can be found by clicking here.
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Last updated 230999 (DDMMYY)