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It has been an honour to present the ~Ayor Anosh'ni~ Award to these outstanding sites.  They all possess the Spirit of Love & Beauty and are listed newest winner first:

Celine-Russia Site
F.Feuerwehr Neuberg
Toto's Little Piece of Oz
Emotions From The Heart
Designs by Polly
Emira's, breeder of papillon in Denmark
My family
Katherine's Whispers of The Heart
The Cat Gallery
Hidden Beauty Gallery
House of Chinchillas
Joerg Kunaschewski's Webdesigner
Rod 758 - Website
Silverlady´s Dreampage
AngelicHeart's Universe
renies fantasy
The Game Puppet
Axel's Homeworld
Understanding and Appreciating Beauty
Spring Rain 2's Native American Web Page
Showstar Birman Cats
Simply Elegant Boutique
Patricia Skin Care
My Hideout-Bruce Redman
Spider's Homepage
Babs lakey--Suspense Thrillers
Breeze’s Norn Stables
The Poetry of Ashley Alquine
American Indian Health Central
Tin Lizzie’s Eminent
True Origins
Welsh Terrier Xmas
Leah’s Links
Raul Amon
Angel’s In The Outfield
Shaman’s Kennel
cyber queens award site
The MoonChild’s Enchantments
Welcome to Doc Jim’s Help Page!
Tristen’s World
A Surrogate Mother’s Journey
Rosie Hardman & Rob Ixer
Zanavon Rising
Juergen and Kristal’s Homepage
The Eskew Family’s Web Pages
OceanEyes Webb
The French Natural
Flower’s World of Inspirational Stories, Poems and Gardens
IAS & Manjushri Mandala
Our Family History
Saba’s Place
Pat’s Little Corner of the World
Homepage von Fml. Schweiger
Joni’s Soulmate (sheldon1)
Speaking Turtle an Abenaki Man
Kim’s Home
My Place In The WebSpace
Welcome to quihikat’s house
Expressions With Poetry
Janlars Place
Native American Images
Welcome To Scorpion’s Home
Chandra’s Web Pages
Georgie Stevenson Memorial Fund
Welcome to Val’s Home Page
Shoot For The Moon
Judy's Purrs 'N' Furs
Ruth Ann’s Moments of Memories
~ Lover’s Paradise ~
Rose’s View
~Polgara’s Home~

If you would like to apply or recommend a site for the Award, please click HERE!

May your Spirit be filled with Love and Beauty.

~Ayor Anosh'ni~


~whisper softly ciao baby~

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Audubon Adopt-a-Bird - Center for Birds of Prey

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Thank you, Janelle, The Georgie Stevenson Memorial Fund, for this darling cat!

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~Guanja’s Native American Links~

Kim's Home

Navajo Times on the Web

Please Visit the North American Wolf Association (NAWA)


You are Kindred Spirit

November 8, 1999