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The Power Rangers Millennium Website Award of The Month
Last Updated 12/18/99


Hi Everyone. Well, as a lot of sites have been doing, I've decided to give out an award to sites that I think have a lot of work put into them. It doesn't have to be a really fancy site, but I look for sites that have a lot of work put into making them great. That includes timely updates and such. The sites that meet this goal will get a graphic custom made for their site. Along with that, I will review the site. Well, Let's go...

This Month the Award goes to...

The RangerPlex

This Month the Award goes to SentaiRick's RangerPlex. This Webmaster really cares about his sites. After being shut down by numerous servers time and time again, he has brought his site back, once again, better than ever! It has PR eps, commercials, Sentai, etc! Check it out!


Previous Winners

Astroranger's Power Rangers in Space/ Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Websites ----Astroranger really puts a lot of heart into his sites. The Messageboard is always busy, and the sites are top notch. This is the only place on the web I know of where you can hear the complete, unedited version of the PRiS theme song. Plus it has cool actor shrines and loads of cool PR and Sentai pics. It's a great site and you should definately check it out. :)

Starpoints of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy----This is the ultimate fan site. Mesh only made this site for the Galaxy Rangers, and now it has become one of the greatest PR sites on the net. This site proves that the heart that goes into a site is the thing that really matters.

The Quasar Dimension----This is a great PR site with lots of Info on the latest PR series---Power Rangers Lost Galaxy! It has Sentai scan, which features sentai images of PR, pics from the show and commercials, and more. Check it out!

Come back next month to find out who will be the next site of the month. Feel free to e-mail me and suggest a site. See ya' back here next month.


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